What's also funny here is that Desp doesn't realize he's talking out his backside because he's under the impression that everyone thinks like him.
See, activists in the SEATAC area are a unique brand of idiot. Most of them speak about whatever is the flavor of the month, but predominantly, they just want a reason to break shit. This was especially and uniquely highlighted by the World Trade Organization riots. I get the feeling I may hold slightly more knowledge on this one than you on the simple factors of, well, ya know... I was there. I also lived in the Tacoma area for five years and routinely encountered/talked-with/knew/etc. these folks on a near daily basis. (Despite glorious electric car and fixie, most of us rode the bus.)
So no Desp. You really do lack a fundamental understanding of "activists" in the Northwest. Seriously, these types of encounters are like California wildfires... Something that happens at least once a year about some such or another and is mostly viewed as a typical annoyance like Seattle traffic jams. Hell, I can't remember the name of the port at the moment, but after the WTO riots, a bunch of these types routinely plagued the local port which was seeing a lot of military traffic over to the Middle East. Ironically enough they were protesting "support for the illegal war" without the general understanding that most of the shipments were medical supplies and equipments for both American troops and our allies. They didn't care, they had a "cause of the month" and they had an excuse to chain themselves to fenceposts and start shit with the cops.
I really cannot stress this one enough. I will openly admit that I mock the shit out of OWS mostly because of you directly. Outside of that, I don't know, nor would I care to comment on, what motivates or drives people in New York.
But Seattle and Tacoma? Heh. Fuck man... I do know what that's like, I do know the people there and I do know that your notions of glorious revolution and new activists is, well, laughable. For every person protesting in Seattle over some cause, there is a huge number of others that will be right alongside them, strictly for the sake of having a chance to start shit.
And while you may like the noble notion that these arrests are going to serve as some sort of awesome springboard of solidarity, for a great number of Washingtonians of a similar mindset to my own, the only reaction is general amusement at watching hippies get smacked around by cops.
Seriously, activists in the Northwest run through numerous "protests" throughout the year, with minor to major riots/scuffles breaking out at least once every other year.
And sure, I'll start smoking pot right after I... Oh, wait, that's right- Fuck you hippie.
(Incidentally enough, whatever the hell happened to OWS? I mean I haven't seen anything about them on the news, and even if you google it, the only thing that comes up that isn't old news is the OWS website, that's it. I guess you guys weren't as influential as you had hoped for.)