by Phantomgrift » Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:33 pm
Sorry HDS, your circumlocution is duly noted and ignored in a manner full of ebullient, dare I say, conviviality-tinged mirth. Despite your mindset that you are a bellwether of some sorts, the phrases you toss forth are idiosyncratic to your posts, a prime example of your sesquipedalian nature. Alas, this is neither proficuous or perspicacious of you, but something that simply comes across as juvenile, cloddish or naïve.
Why look, I can use textbook sized words for no real purpose either!
And still not feeling it… Desp will only admit he’s wrong if it serves to further some argument about why he’s right to begin with. So I’m still sensing a lack of humble propriety on his part rather than the linguistic string of bombastic overtures he usually cottons to.
Agent: Who want's friends? To quote Freud: "In the depths of my heart I can't help being convinced that my dear fellow-men, with a few exceptions, are worthless."
Or in the words of Jack Kerouac: "I had nothing to offer anyone but my own confusion."
Waiter... Waiter?
Curses! When will I ever remember; Order dessert first and THEN kill everyone in the restaurant.