by Esunasoul » Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:54 pm
........nnnnnnnnnnope too late:
Once upon a time I was saved by Jesus and baptized in a fountain.
Then I read a book by a Buddhist that said man's mind tends to become increasingly narrow the farther one looks from the self, and that wisdom begins when you learn to turn the point back upon your own thoughts.
Then I read a pagan author that said religions are expressions of tension between sanctioned vs unsanctioned ritual practices (transformation of the host, prayer, meditation vs summoning demons, doing magic, even going to other churches?) and that we tend to tack various philosophies onto methods ecstatic consciousness as an efficient way of transmitting faith-memes.
Then I decided to get into ecstatic consciousness for it's own sake, unencumbered by belief systems.
And this, appropriately, has little to do with my vote.
The end.
(I was being sarcastic, Rip. But the above is true.)