Looks like a lot of Brits are throwing parties over Thatcher's demise. And here's a reminder as to why:
"Her soul was split, kept safe in various trophies to ensure that she would never experience the final death. Most of them were thematically appropriate, emblems of her triumph carefully picked on her rise to power. An orphan's tin whistle. A dead lump of coal. An Argentinian gold tooth.
But there was one more split, one she did not plan for. At the hour of her final triumph she sought out a village in The North and hunted down a family of lower-middle class Scots, intending to use the blood of their child to bring about the final doom. Instead, the mother's faith in the NHS rebounded the killing glare back at her, destroying the sorceress and launching a fragment of her soul into the heart of the innocent baby, locking the two of them in an eldritch union.
With the welfare system gutted, the young man grew up aimless and angry at the world. He died of a drug overdose today, severing her last tenuous grasp upon the world. The. End."