by Rip » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:00 am
I have two at once. From the day they burst forth from my wife's vagina, they have taken pride in being completely different people. The first one came out with eyes wide open and didn't make a peep as she looked around and took it all in, the second one didn't stop screaming until some point last week, but I'm pretty certain she's seen my face by now.
That's all humorous exaggeration of course: I keep my wife and children shackled in The Birthing Shed until one of them finally learns to sit up on her own. The wife is almost there!
In other news, it's almost 9am here and I've already been awake for six hours. I'm pretty sure my 23-minutes-eldest was just fuckin' with me this morning; she made the ISL sign for 'sleep is for the weak, bitch', like, three or four times, but I could tell she was only staying up to see The MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour on PBS, so I didn't have the heart to tell her that that shit has been off the air since 1995. Her sister meanwhile disdains television for the thrill of illegal backgammon.
Oh hey, politics still exists?