"I suffered, so don't tell me I have to care about anyone else suffering ever again."
Hey man, it's cool, you don't have to care about anyone else but yourself. Hell, I certainly don't care about anyone else as much as I do myself and my own brood; when the chips are down, I'm going to hit a motherfucker with a shovel to protect me and mine regardless of race or creed.
But awareness is free. Not acting like a dickbag doesn't cost anything. Voting to ensure that Sage doesn't get shipped off to the re-education camps in a generation is just as easy as voting the opposite way, and only slightly more complicated than not voting at all.
The world, and especially this country, is full of white people right now who are sick and tired of being told that other people suffered, mostly because they suffer too. They suffer every single day, and many of them are my relatives. They've allowed that suffering to harden their hearts, and want to use it to twist a knife, ANY knife, to feel better about themselves when the Golden Globes keeps telling them that all the rac(p)ists look like what they see in the mirror.
Well, all of humanity suffers, old chum. In the face of that, do you turn your back and withdraw inward, work only on yourself, put your rights first, champion your own cause, call others who do not do so fools or worse? Laugh at the pain of others and say they are naive if they didn't think their pain was inevitable? Wallow in the muck of schadenfreude? Scoff at any suggestion that change might come one day, if people just stopped being so fucking cynical?
Well the 80s taught me a name for people like that.
You know who would get pretty upset at people like that, tho? Superman. Why wouldn't you want to do what Superman would do? Even the shitty Snyder version would at LEAST say something about hope.
You know who else has suffered, even though I've been a white male for almost my entire life? Totes me. Broken home, dirt poor, trailer you could crawl underneath, yadda yadda yadda. Even my rather well-off wife has suffered the loss of family members, physical trauma, etc. etc., because life sucks sometimes. I couldn't fathom looking at sage, or ANYone, asking for help or a little awareness of their plight, and having my reaction be "fuck off, I got beat with a belt and my mom threw boiling water on my father once." It just doesn't make any sense to me.
But hey, you don't HAVE to care! People who tell you that you have to do ANYthing are wrong and, as I've said multiple times, just assholes. Life is short. Do what you want. All us shitty shitty liberals are REALLY asking you to do, as per the entire political philosophy, is just tolerate some others. Be aware of the shit you say and post. Vote to let people be treated the way you want to be treated. Shoulder yet another burden on your poor white shoulders, and the rest of the United States (read: brown people) will feel a little bit better about THEIR position.
Oh shit, it was that last part, wasn't it..? I'm sorry if it was. You can take a little heart though: if you never actually interact with any people of color in your day-to-day, then you don't really have to change hardly ANYTHING AT ALL. Unless you like spewing racist shit online or otherwise, I guess. You should probably stop doing that. But as for helping everyone who suffers AND wasn't born into the lucky white lottery?
Then all it takes is a little, free, awareness <3