I'll be participating in the one in Austin, despite not, in fact, being a woman. I don't think they know.
This is the first time I have ever done anything remotely close to something like this, mostly because I live in Texas. I've been feeling rather odd about it; like, I know it won't have too much effect, it certainly wouldn't be harmed by my lack of presence, and yet I feel like it's something I need to do. Probably mostly for myself, actually, just to feel like I did, I dunno, SOMEthing. Like I said, I live in Texas.
I don't anticipate anything bad happening, in that, I don't anticipate anything SPECIFIC, and am operating on the chance that something most likely will..? I dunno, the Black Lives Matter March in my home city resulted in five police officers getting gunned down sniper-style, and Open Carry is a hilarious reality here, because again, Texas. But I guess all someone really needs nowadays is a truck which, yet again, Texas.
ANYwho. I guess I'm saying that Sam gets all my stuff if I die, and Inferno does as well.
I guess there's a chance this could all go just fine too tho, and I'll just be surrounded by dancing women for a couple hours before getting drunk as tits on 6th Street. If I were a young'un I'd probably just "live streme" it or whatever the kids do these days.
Sorry, forget I said anything <3