by Despanan » Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:16 am
It's not just about goal-achieving though. That's just one component. Happiness is complex and there are multiple types of it. Oftentimes the things we think will make us happy won't and vice versa.
There was this one story I remember, where a guy dies and he finds himself in heaven. Saint Peter welcomes him and says "Welcome to heaven, you can now have whatever you want" - suddenly the guy has every single desire he could possibly have fulfilled instantly.
Dude is happy at first but gradually as his desires are fulfilled he realizes that they mean nothing without the corresponding struggle. They are also meaningless if he gets everything he wants.
So he turns to St. Peter and is like "WTF I thought this was heaven?" and St. Peter's like: "NOPE CHUMP! This is hell and I'm actually the Devil. Punk'd!"
Well that's what the devil SHOULD have said anyway.
So I suppose the question might be, what do you value Agent? What sort of things do you think are important, or would you like to think are important? That might help point the way to a specific school and branch of philosophy that might fit you.