by Rip » Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:31 pm
Okay, so Inferno is confirmed. I'm absolutely fine with just running a game ALL FOR HIM and making you guys watch.
Inferno, will you be needing the char-gen rules or will you be running an established character? Aside from the link I gave you, some quick notes about the setting: Captain America is currently "dead" as of the end of the Civil War, Iron Man is on the run from the government and currently deleting his own brain, Hulk is depowered and currently dealing with the new emergence of The Red Hulk, and Thor is busy with Loki's royal machinations on an Asgard that is trapped floating over Broxton, Oklahoma; the X-Men have just finished relocating to San Francisco under the leadership of Cyclops and Emma Frost, and the current global mutant population hovers at around 180 or so due to the events of M Day; the "New Avengers" are currently underground due to being wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D. (now transitioning to H.A.M.M.E.R. at the beginning of the story) since the end of the Civil War. The Secret Invasion just ended, and the wounds of mistrust are still freshly open.
Basically, this means that the heavy hitters are down, evil men rule the North American continent, and you're a hero at a time when heroes are outlaws. The main restrictions are: nobody on the Cosmic level (they shouldn't give two badoon asses about what's happening with facets of Earth's fractured government), nobody people mentioned above (the Avengers' Big Four, the X-Men leadership [Wolverine is still okay, as his mutant power is being on every team simultaneously], any member of the Dark Avengers, etc. New Avengers members are okay; any original characters should be around or slightly above "street-level" in power...think Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Valkyrie, Punisher, War Machine, etc.
must dash will post more later give input thx