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cbforever • View topic - What it do

What it do

Re: What it do

Postby Zengus » Sat Apr 27, 2013 3:16 am

I was in a bodega today and someone at the hot food counter was like "I want bla bla bla oh yeah and a chickencheese." I smiled

I have so many mediums I need to try now... watercolors, oils, acrylics, and my mom is pushing some charcoals and pastels on me as well.

I started a piece yesterday with the big abstract randomness thing in mind. Just doodling on a 24"x18" drawing pad I have but never use, in pen but sticking to things I know I can draw well, especially in perspective (cityscapes, clouds, feathers and small firecrackers so far, and the beginnings of a what will be a more established jigsaw puzzle piece presence). I feel kind of silly because it has even less personal meaning than my art usually does, basically just some glorified practice sketching. That said I think it is looking pretty sick so far. Really hoping I don't end up regretting skipping straight to inks for this, kind of considering wimping out and using pencils first for the second half of the page

Also I bled on it a tiny bit without realizing, and then noticed it afterward. This was unfortunate.

It's pretty big
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Re: What it do

Postby Esunasoul » Wed May 01, 2013 11:00 am

Most of your sketching should be practice.
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Re: What it do

Postby Zengus » Sat May 04, 2013 3:13 am

This is true. It's something I've always been pretty crap about, though. My idea of practice drawing is either pages filled with tiny, shitty life drawings (when I am putting some effort in) or just drawing circles and squares and triangles and then shading them ( has some practice doodles around it), maybe some pentagons if I'm feeling crazy. I never really practice composition or drawing backgrounds or keeping things in perspective or other stuff it's important to practice.

I am kind of feeling like drawing out the cityscape part of this with loose inks like it is now, and then trying to watercolor it. I guess I could just try to use some watercolors on this page, but I don't think it's the right kind of paper for it. How important is that?
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Re: What it do

Postby Esunasoul » Mon May 06, 2013 10:50 pm

It doesn't have to be watercolor paper, but you kinda need to soak it and dry it first so it doesn't warp from the water.
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Re: What it do

Postby Zengus » Sat May 11, 2013 2:46 am

That would kinda be a problem at this point, yeah.

Guess I'll start fresh. That's alright, it's not a huge setback
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Re: What it do

Postby Phantomgrift » Sat May 11, 2013 6:53 am


If you use a mister spray bottle, you can mist your existing drawing enough to get it damp without causing the ink to run, and than carefully use painters tape to hold it down on a piece of canvas board or the like.

What you're trying to do is gently stretch out the wet paper and then hold it in place so it dries without getting all wrinkled.
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Re: What it do

Postby Zengus » Mon May 20, 2013 2:43 am

That could maybe work, I suspect the ink would still bleed to some extent though. I don't know, now I'm kind of curious to see how it would turn out

I stumbled across this while walking in Manhattan the other day.


Also, that cat, damn. My mom is feeding it too much

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Re: What it do

Postby Xaenyth » Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:27 pm

I've stumbled across many things while stumbling through Manhattan.

This one takes the cake for me.
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Re: What it do

Postby Zengus » Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:35 am

I like the fallout shelters. They're everywhere in the outer boroughs. Almost all of the old red and brownstones have a basement with a sign like that

Workin' on that drawing thing. Another tattoo in progress, I feel. Want to build on that psychedelic flower motif I'm starting to have going on my arm. Thinking of this as a shoulder piece.

Here is the base

It's a dahlia! I like those things.

Here is what I want to add, but not drawn right (it's late I'm tired gimme a break)


Give me some advice to fix the perspective on that eye, dudes. I want it to look like it's staring straight out of the flower
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Re: What it do

Postby Zengus » Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:10 am

That eye is gettin' better (still not quite there yet tho)

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