by Rip » Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:00 pm
((The Hood reacts to getting punched in the friggin face!
Solo d10, Possessed By Dormammu d8, Sorcery d10, Combat Expert d8 = 9, 7, 2, 4 = Total 16, Effect d10, beaten by Extraordinary Success to push Physical Damage d12 up to Physical Damage d12+, knocking Parker Robbins out of combat!))
The wall exploded inward, completely obscuring all senses for a brief, but fatal, few nanoseconds. Parker Robbins had barely had time to react to Madame Hydra's warning before the impacting cloud of masonry and stone debris hit him full in the face, temporarily disrupting the concentration required to throw up a quick Warding spell...and that lapse was more than enough for the Living Weapon of K'un L'un. Aided by Hawkeye's explosive entrance, Iron Fist rolled through the stunned henchmen to deliver a crushing uppercut that literally sent The Hood shattering into the ceiling, only to slam back down as if dead into the suddenly unrecognizable remnants of the chair he occupied only moments prior.
"Holy.." Vermin began.
"Shit!" hissed Madame Hydra, "Shit! We are compromised! Hydra! Die for the cause!!" Another explosion of dust and smoke, this time from the emerald-clad lady herself, as she is instantly obscured. The Hydra agents around her begin to pick themselves out of their respective dazes and converge on where she once stood, placing themselves between their Madame and the interloping Avengers. The mafia mooks are nowhere near as organized, and they begin to scatter where they can or prepare to fight if cornered. Vermin and Mandrill exchange looks, unsure of how to respond, until Mandrill hisses, "Well?! What are you waiting for?! This is our chance to prove it to them once and for all!!"
Vermin doesn't look as convinced, but his bared fangs and claws sure look convincing...
((Game terms! The Hood goes first, and he takes his turn to be unconscious.
Madame Hydra goes next - she takes the turn to make her escape, and barks her orders to the group. She cannot be targeted unless all other foes are defeated within the next round, after which point she will have escaped.
The 3d10 Mob acts next, and loses a turn removing the Complication (Team 3d10, Mook Mishmash d4 (+1d6 to Doom Pool) = 7, 3, 9, 4 overcomes the d10 with their d10.
Vermin acts next, and attacks Iron Fist!
Team d6, Cannibal d8, Using Claws&Fangs SFX to step back Superhuman Strength to d8 and add a d6, Combat Expert d8 = 5, 8, 7, 3, 7, step up Physical Stress inflicted with Claws&Fangs SFX, leaving Iron Fist to Resist Total 15, Effect d10 Physical Stress!
Mandrill acts next, and glares through the smoke at Clint, who suddenly begins to feel his lungs filling with a very primal, almost supernaturally animalistic musk...
Spending the d6 earned above from the Doom Pool to allow Mandrill to use his Pheromone powers on Clint, who is male and therefore normally resistant to Mandrill. Rolling Team d8, Savvy Strategist d8, Mind Control d8, Psych Expert d8, Pheromones SFX d6 = 2, 4, 8, 8, 1 = Total 16, Effect d8 "Kill Iron Fist!" Complication. If you beat this Total, nothing happens. If you do NOT, Hawkeye will suffer a d8 Complication which can be stepped up; for as long as this Complication is active, every action you take that does NOT involve attacking Iron Fist will lose a die of d8 or less. If this Complication is not removed before being Stepped Up to d12+, then Hawkeye will be completely Mind Controlled by Mandrill and will have to fight Iron Fist to the death, or some such other dramatic thing.
All villains have acted; we need Reactions from both heroes, after which HAWKEYE may act and nominate next!))