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cbforever • View topic - Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Zengus » Tue Jun 09, 2015 2:58 am

Clint regards the implement for a moment in the brief lull Danny's action created. He found himself standing near Danny, still by the bar where he had started. The thugs ringed them in, giving Clint and Danny a no doubt to be short lived respite now that the momentum of the initial attack against the duo had played out.

"Let's save it for the next room, we need to get moving."

Clint reaches his right hand under his hoodie and takes out the collapsed bow stashed there, a small jerk of his wrist causing it to smoothly unfold, ominous clacking noises issuing from it as it locks into its functional alignment. He pulls, knocks, and readies an arrow from his back quiver, then murmurs over to Danny. "You saw where the secret exit was, right? I'm counting on you to lead us to it in the confusion. You might wanna, uh, cover your eyes and take a deep breath."

And then abruptly, Clint snaps a bead on a thug roughly in the middle of the room, and lets fly.

[Using SFX Tear Gas Arrow against all remaining thugs. Utilizing d8 Close Quarters, d6 Buddy, d8 Cocky Rogue, d8 Enhanced Reflexes, d8 Weapon, d10 Combat Master, and an additional 3d6 for the four thugs targeted. Results are: d6 pool 1, 6, 1, 4. d8 pool 4, 2, 7, 5. d10 pool 8. Going to take the 8 (d10) and 6 (d6) to make 14, and keep the four d8's as my effect dice. Two opportunities posed for the watcher ((*gulp*)). Nominate Danny for next move.]
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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Rip » Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:28 pm

((Opportunities bought; the Doom Pool raises to 4d6.

Mob Reaction to Tear Gas! - Chaotic Criminals d8; Team d4, d4, d4, d4 = 7, 2, 3, 4, 2 for a Total of 10, Effect d4. 4 Effect die knock out each of the remaining Team d4s, putting the Mob down!))

Just as the mob of goons is starting to regroup, the last guy to shout out a rallying cry catches a Tear Gas arrow with the bridge of his nose; the two Avengers dive behind the bar as the sounds of melee are soon replaced by coughing, gagging, slumping, and silence.

((Action Scene not over! Danny, you're up; after you, nominate Clint and so on back n forth until something happens and I stop you, such as entering the secret room or interrogating a suspect or etc.))

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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Samurai » Fri Jun 12, 2015 10:36 am

Danny's mastery of his own body has, with the slight assistance of the bar, meant the tear gas had no more effect on him than a slight catch in his throat. He stands, on the lookout for any particularly robust -- and foolhardy -- thugs who might still have some fight in them. As no one seems quite ready to resume the attack, Iron Fist stalks over to the place where Josie disappeared.

He raps on the wall four times, as he saw her do, with his makeshift tonfa, calling gruffly, "Got them. Let's get them out of sight." While he waits for a reaction, Iron Fist pulls a length of cloth from his coat, wrapping it around his head, shinobi-style, to give him some semblance of a mask again. No telling what surveillance there is beyond the secret door.

His keen senses are also trained on the ceiling for a moment, checking for any cameras he might need to find the footage from later.

((Unless I need to make a roll, it's of course Clint to go.))
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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Rip » Fri Jun 12, 2015 2:12 pm

((Don't sweat it; I'm gonna railroad the story for a sec))

Danny's knock is answered by the panel itself, opening silently; perhaps the Immortal Weapon doesn't know his own strength? It is dark beyond, but the Avengers are able to pick out a narrow staircase winding down into the blackness. Traversing it doesn't take much time at all, but both Avengers take note of how very quickly all noise from the upper level is snuffed out; it doesn't take heightened senses to notice the unnatural muffling. Apparently, whoever didn't want to be disturbed down here wasn't messing around.

Thankfully, the safeguards for hearing what's coming the other direction were either hastily applied or not at all...mere feet from the staircase's terminus down a short and narrow hallway of dingy concrete is a closed metal door that does not block the pale light streaming from underneath, nor the hushed but anxious voices emanating within.

"-ust sayin' that this deserves a reward, is all.."
"If you did it, yes."
"We totally did!"
"And yet you don't have his child."
"Who even knew he had one?!"
"The people who really killed him. The only thing that's bothering me here is how you got the body."
"We got it because we killed him!"
"Parker, this is stupid. The longer we stay here with this corpse, the more likely we're going to be associated with it. And unlike these two, I don't like to make a habit of wearing targets."
"Targets?! Oh man!"
"Shut up. Look. We did it. We want the cred for it. But we want protection too."
"I don't care what you want. You call us up here, make me get the beautiful Lady out of bed, drag us down to fucking Manhattan just to drop a dead Avenger on my doorstep and start making fucking demands?!"
"H-hey, n-now wait, he was an outlaw, we're heroes, won't Norman Osb-"
"Wait. Stop. ... Someone's here."

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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Samurai » Sun Jun 14, 2015 6:08 pm

Iron First mouths to Hawkeye, "Parker?", relying on the bowman's superb sight to catch his silent word. But the phrase "dead Avenger" is crystal clear, and they've clearly been noticed, even through a closed door.

Pushing aside, for the moment, any concerns for his absent friends, the Living Weapon of K'un L'un slows his breathing, channelling his chi to summon the power of Shou-Lao. Their opponents are as yet unknown, but if he and Barton are about to face someone of extraordinary dexterity, backed up by others capable of slaying a fellow Avenger, they may need it.
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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Zengus » Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:05 am

((Oof this week))

Maybe we shoulda brought one of those thugs down and forced them to give an all clear... Hawkeye thinks. Eh. Treacherous bastards probably would have just shouted a warning.

He sees Danny's questioning word, and feels a similar puzzlement. He'd never spent that much time with Spiderman, but he had a hard time imagining the morally vigilant webslinger being quite that blase about the dead body of a fellow crime fighter, regardless of the current conflict. Was there another Parker running around? Damn, but there were a lot of capes and hoods out there, and his memory wasn't on the list of his supernatural abilities. Clint figured they'd know more in a few moments anyhow, he supposed.

Moving as silently as possible, he draws a trio of a particular sort of arrow from his quiver and arms them, a single red LED apiece on their tips being the sole indicator. He wouldn't have any more of this type until he had a chance to reup, but that was ok. He just hoped that the backblast wouldn't be too bad...

Clint looks at Danny and mouths back. "Lets do this."

Yeah, this is definitely the right place. Too late to back out now, anyway. Danny looks like he's got his serious game face on. I hope he's ready to crack some fucking skulls with that table leg.

The world's (self proclaimed) greatest marksman draws a lazy aim on a spot somewhere between the hinges and the center of the door. He calls out to the party in the room. "Hey, we cleaned up the intruders. Fuckin' Hawkeye and some other dude that must'a been a cape, both in street clothes and seemed like they knew what was up, poking around upstairs. How the fuck do they keep finding out about these things?" Without waiting for a response, he lets fly.

[By my count I should have three plot points at the start of this action. Using SFX explosive arrow on the door, using three plot points (reflected by badass triple arrow shot, so cool, and attempt at misdirection to try to lull enemies into momentary confusion), attempting to create an advantage for the ensuing fracasse. Close Quarters played as d4 to garner another plot point, Buddy d6, Cocky Rogue d8, Weapon d10, (stepped up as per Exp. Arrow), Combat Master d10. Spending one plot point before rolling to bring in an additional dice from my specialties, d8 Covert. Results are: d4- 3, d8- 6, d8- 8, d10- 6, d10-9. Spending the additional plot points to retain both an additional effect die and an additional total die, taking the d4 and both d8's for the total to make 17, keeping the two d10's as effect die ((does this mean that, if successful, it will create an additional effect die of d12, or two effect dies of d10 to be used? Or is this something that I actually can't do?)). I should still have one PP in reserve. Nominate Iron Fist for next move ((Sam, if this is successful, I recommend you burn a few PP in a similar way to try and hit multiple enemies as hard as possible ( to generic PP uses for your benefit <3, because this actually took me a minute to find). Best case scenario, maybe you can use the monster dice pool you'll have to get a high enough total to get some overwhelming successes and still keep a couple d10s to inflict a d12 or two of damage. Lets take these assholes out before they know what hit them :D))]
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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Rip » Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:20 pm

((Okilydoke; it looks like you're wanting to give Iron Fist an advantageous opening, so the only thing I gotta figure out is what to do with the second Effect die, if one is being given to Iron Fist for his first roll. From what I can tell, you shouldn't be able to give him TWO dice as an Asset; it's probably best to use the second d10 as imposing a temporary Complication on the Villains inside. It's a little janky, but I'll rule that Iron Fist gets a d10 Asset in his Dice Pool, and then gets another d10 to represent their Complication, so the effect is exactly what we wanted it to be and I can still sleep at night.

Doom Pool Resist: 4d6 = 3, 6, 2, 5, Total 11 Effect d6, so Danny gets his two d10s, and it's his turn!))

The door (and a better chunk of the wall itself) explodes before anyone can call bullshit, revealing several very pissed off powerful people!

Image Vermin!

Image Mandrill!

Image Madame Hydra!

Image And The Hood himself, Parker Robbins!

ImageAnd of course a requisite retinue of renegades and rabble-rousers more powerful than the last, a 3d10 equivalent Mob of them!!

The dust and plaster and general haze of the explosion makes it hard to see in these close quarters, but the group is spread out in a small, sparsely furnished room (the interior decorator was clearly going for 'spartan interrogation chic'); there is clearly a corpse laid out on a table in the center of the room, a white sheet loosely draped over its identity.

((Iron Fist acts next, and he can nominate everyone but Hawkeye, who has already acted this turn!))

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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Samurai » Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:30 pm

"Oh, that Parker," Danny mutters as he tucks and rolls low towards the group, aiming to prevent anyone with a gun getting a bead on him.

There's clearly no united front here, but they all at least think they're working for Osborne, and they've all been taken by surprise. Can't rely on any hanging back, so evening the odds is a priority. That means the biggest threat should receive the the touch of the Iron Fist.

Danny emerges from his roll, sending a thundering uppercut into the Hood's chin as he stands, twisting sideways to make the most of his body's movement and present a smaller target at the end of his strike.

((That gives us:
* d12 Enhanced Strength, with Iron Fist SFX to step up -- so this had better work!
* d12 Chi Focus SFX from combined d10 Buddy + d10 Combat master
* d10 Knock, knock! surprise asset for Danny
* d10 Chips off stones may break your bones complication, for the damage and distraction caused by the shrapnel from the wall
* d4 (+1PP) Hero, Hireable or Otherwise: there's a child involved in all this, and Danny is thinking about that while fighting, which may throw him off
which gives us: 10, 11, 2, 9, 4 -- thanks, . They won't all pan out like that, I'm sure! In any event, that gives us 11+9+4 (using 1PP) for a total of 24 against the Hood, with a d12 effect. And I will nominate him for next action -- a right of reply seems fair, after that!))
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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Rip » Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:00 pm

((The Hood reacts to getting punched in the friggin face!

Solo d10, Possessed By Dormammu d8, Sorcery d10, Combat Expert d8 = 9, 7, 2, 4 = Total 16, Effect d10, beaten by Extraordinary Success to push Physical Damage d12 up to Physical Damage d12+, knocking Parker Robbins out of combat!))

The wall exploded inward, completely obscuring all senses for a brief, but fatal, few nanoseconds. Parker Robbins had barely had time to react to Madame Hydra's warning before the impacting cloud of masonry and stone debris hit him full in the face, temporarily disrupting the concentration required to throw up a quick Warding spell...and that lapse was more than enough for the Living Weapon of K'un L'un. Aided by Hawkeye's explosive entrance, Iron Fist rolled through the stunned henchmen to deliver a crushing uppercut that literally sent The Hood shattering into the ceiling, only to slam back down as if dead into the suddenly unrecognizable remnants of the chair he occupied only moments prior.

"Holy.." Vermin began.
"Shit!" hissed Madame Hydra, "Shit! We are compromised! Hydra! Die for the cause!!" Another explosion of dust and smoke, this time from the emerald-clad lady herself, as she is instantly obscured. The Hydra agents around her begin to pick themselves out of their respective dazes and converge on where she once stood, placing themselves between their Madame and the interloping Avengers. The mafia mooks are nowhere near as organized, and they begin to scatter where they can or prepare to fight if cornered. Vermin and Mandrill exchange looks, unsure of how to respond, until Mandrill hisses, "Well?! What are you waiting for?! This is our chance to prove it to them once and for all!!"

Vermin doesn't look as convinced, but his bared fangs and claws sure look convincing...

((Game terms! The Hood goes first, and he takes his turn to be unconscious.

Madame Hydra goes next - she takes the turn to make her escape, and barks her orders to the group. She cannot be targeted unless all other foes are defeated within the next round, after which point she will have escaped.

The 3d10 Mob acts next, and loses a turn removing the Complication (Team 3d10, Mook Mishmash d4 (+1d6 to Doom Pool) = 7, 3, 9, 4 overcomes the d10 with their d10.

Vermin acts next, and attacks Iron Fist!

Team d6, Cannibal d8, Using Claws&Fangs SFX to step back Superhuman Strength to d8 and add a d6, Combat Expert d8 = 5, 8, 7, 3, 7, step up Physical Stress inflicted with Claws&Fangs SFX, leaving Iron Fist to Resist Total 15, Effect d10 Physical Stress!

Mandrill acts next, and glares through the smoke at Clint, who suddenly begins to feel his lungs filling with a very primal, almost supernaturally animalistic musk...

Spending the d6 earned above from the Doom Pool to allow Mandrill to use his Pheromone powers on Clint, who is male and therefore normally resistant to Mandrill. Rolling Team d8, Savvy Strategist d8, Mind Control d8, Psych Expert d8, Pheromones SFX d6 = 2, 4, 8, 8, 1 = Total 16, Effect d8 "Kill Iron Fist!" Complication. If you beat this Total, nothing happens. If you do NOT, Hawkeye will suffer a d8 Complication which can be stepped up; for as long as this Complication is active, every action you take that does NOT involve attacking Iron Fist will lose a die of d8 or less. If this Complication is not removed before being Stepped Up to d12+, then Hawkeye will be completely Mind Controlled by Mandrill and will have to fight Iron Fist to the death, or some such other dramatic thing.

All villains have acted; we need Reactions from both heroes, after which HAWKEYE may act and nominate next!))

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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Zengus » Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:17 pm

Hawkeye feels the musk seeping into his lungs, coughs, and ends up wheezing in some plaster powder to go along with it. He hacks out another ragged cough, and sucks in a breath of air through the fabric of his hoodie sleeve to try and screen out the dust, then holds his breath, trying to steel himself against the distractions and focus on the task at hand.

[Resist roll, using d4 close quarters (+1 PP), d6 buddy, d8 checkered past, d8 enhanced stamina, d10 combat master. Results 2, 4, 2, 5, 8. Result 13, with d8 effect die. Uh oh.]

Which is obviously to kill Iron Fist. Wait, what the fuck?
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