by Emoore » Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:26 am
I realize this was in part 'cause this forum isn't as active as some other places I frequent, but I'd just like to say thanks, everybody, for not speculating wildy - based on virtually no information - about what the race/nationality/political/religious affiliations of these dudes probably was. And also for not reposting every single internet rumor as fact or drawing unsupported connections with other shitty events ("A chemical plant exploded?... Near Waco you say? Well, now I don't want to insinuate anything, but it certainly makes you think, doesn't it? PS ammonia fertilizer was used in the OK City truck bombing ZOMG"). There was a lot of dumb, borderline panicky shit-stirring flying around in both the initial investigation and then the whole "active manhunt" part, and that made some fora near-intolerable. So congrats for being way better than that shit, you guys.
Also, good job not being CNN or most cable news this week. Way to be.
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