I really like the camera on my new phone. Maybe dropping my last one into a vat of 350º fryer oil wasn't such a bad thing, in the long run
You guys have seen most of the current menu items that I like the plating of already, but here are a few more plus some dickery
Fluke crudo, with some spices and lemon pieces and olive oil and micro greens and rock salt (because hey, why not?). Gets served with yucca chips.
Bossman makin' that crudo, wearing gloves like a boss. I made the one in the other picture, but I liked this inprog shot a lot too.
Possets (or however these little fuckers are spelled) with blackberry juice used for decorating. They have a texture like creme brulee, taste tart (and crisp, when made right), and are cool because they only require three ingredients (heavy cream, sugar, lemon juice). I actually made these at home for fun, not at work.
This is the chef's knife I was given when I entered culinary school (10", Mercer, classic french blade with keel. THERE ARE MANY OTHERS LIKE IT, BUT THIS ONE IS MINE). This is a relatively cheap knife, only about 50$, but it has had a regular place in my kit. It is extremely durable, and although it takes a while to put an edge on it it holds it way longer than it seems like it should. These days I use it to cut bread into tiny slices (I do this a lot, about 8-10 full 3' baguettes every work day), chop up very sturdy vegetables like squashes and yams, and also to put holes in metal cans to drain liquid out of them (you hit them really hard with the keel (the extra thick part at the bottom of the blade)!). The absence of wear around the edge is a sign of how well maintained I keep it, despite how it looks everywhere else. It is sharp enough to shave with. I love this knife.
Sometimes working in restaurants is awesome
A lot of oranges (blood, kara kara, and regular (and even a few innocent tangerines)) had to die to make this picture possible.