by dexeron » Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:12 pm
Chiropractic is bullshit.
That doesn't mean chiropractors can't help you feel better. There's a lot of overlap between what chiropractors do and actual useful shit like physical therapy and massage, so going to a chiropractor can sometimes help because most chiropractors also do that helpful stuff, but just keep in mind that the underlying theory behind chiropractic "medicine" is utter nonsense. It's like if you have an infection, and you come to me for help, and I give you antibiotics. What I'm doing is helpful, but if I believe that the antibiotics are actually magical pixies in a bottle put there by space aliens who ejaculated them in some kind of tantric sex ritual, and they fight your infection because infections are actually caused by negative sex vibes, like, I'm helping you get better, but there's something inherently fucked up there, and you'd probably have been better off going to a real doctor in the first place.
Also, I'm charging you like three times what it would have cost you to just go to the regular doctor in the first place.
Also also, far too many chiropractors will treat any and all symptoms with "you just need an adjustment!" instead of actually recommending an actual doctor for ongoing concerns, which leads to potentially serious illnesses getting worse for being untreated while the chiropractor keeps making "adjustments," and then people die because chiropractors are fucking quacks. I know a dude who died of cancer because his chiropractor kept telling him that all his symptoms were cause by misalignment or whatever the fuck, and he never got treated, and the cancer kept growing, and by the time it was actually discovered, it was too late.
Also also also, anyone who does chiropractic adjustment on infants (which has recently become this trendy "thing") needs to be launched into the fucking sun.
But glad you're feeling better. Physical therapy is amazing and it helped me tons when I had back issues from sleeping on a broken mattress awhile back.