Also, speaking of SJWs, it's freaking weird that with this whole Naomi Wu situation (I'll link to my Twitter thread discussing it below if you don't know what I'm talking about) it's really odd to see the anti-SJW crowd coming out of the woodwork aligning towards a goal some SJWs also support, because that goal involves destroying VICE. (Though, honestly, the fact that so many progressives and other folks who favor social justice causes like VICE has bothered me for awhile, because behind VICE's seemingly "progressive" stance, there are a lot of really toxic bro-types who actually run that publication.)
It's weird as fuck when I make a comment on a forum about how badly VICE has acted in this case, and some other dude chimes in with: "I know, it's just like Sam Harris just said in his podcast talking about the regressive left!" and I'm like... Fuck out of here with your right-wing bullshit, k.
(If none of the above makes sense, here's a link to my thread discussing the Naomi Wu thing in more detail, and my take on it:)