by shadowmimiiru » Wed Sep 20, 2017 2:04 am
1. Libertarian Socialist is about as realistic as a Democratic Socialist. Sounds pretty on paper.
2. Statin was a scary ass bastard but his policies and how he operated had nothing to do with communist or socialist agendas.
3. Yes, they did. Instead of decrying the idiocy of people, however, we should instead be looking at the why and the how. If there is one thing that a lot of analysists got right after the election it was that a vast majority of people (left, center, and right) have become disillusioned with and feel disenfranchised by the Big Two.
3a. Solving this issue is not a matter of going "whole hog" to the crazy extremes of either ideology but calls for more level-headed and moderate minds. A Centrist view is needed at this point as the sitting political parties have become far too polarized ... as have their bases. Nothing good comes from polarization (except when it comes to starship hulls).
4. Yes, I do know that but the odds of success are actually marginally better under more traditional business practices than in the employee-owned/co-op/commune style you advocate. However, there are some hybrid systems that work. A good example is a supermarket chain in PA called Redner's Markets. It isn't perfect but again it's a centrist approach that is proven to work.
Oh right:
... grr, argh, grr ... my extreme views are better than your extreme views. Strawman, fallacy, equivalence, belittling comment ... grrr, argh, grr ...