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Re: Every. Damn. Time.

Postby dexeron » Thu May 26, 2016 8:30 am

Depends on the issue.

Like, if someone really hates war, and thinks that one candidate is more likely to get us into war* than the other, I do totally respect their vote for the "more peaceful" candidate, even if that candidate maybe has a not-so-good record on other things.

On the other hand, If someone really hates potholes, and votes for the person most likely to fix all the potholes, ignoring the fact that the candidate is also a warmongering racist, well, yeah, I'm not so respectful of that. ;)

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Re: Every. Damn. Time.

Postby Despanan » Thu May 26, 2016 9:44 am

Well I hope you're right. I don't think you are, but I hope. I also don't want a revolution, or rather I would prefer slower more peaceful reform - I just don't think Hillary will bring this and I think it's gonna fuck us in the end. At least Sanders will try. It's a system that runs on inertia, sure - but if you want change you have to put some force behind something and I don't believe she will.

And even if Hillary isn't the Hawk I think she is (and I highly doubt that) she's still the most likely candidate to get us into a war, because she's a politician and a woman. From the time she becomes POTUS she's going to be under immense pressure to prove that she's "strong" and the easiest way to prove your strength is to blow shit up. Someone who's more reticent to use our military might be able to resist, say a politician that maybe doesn't mind doing the politically inexpedient thing that also happens to be right. The sort of politician who wouldn't wait till the 11th hour to flipflop on gay marriage for instance - they, man or woman, might still hold off and realize that they're ending people's lives and that's more important than their career.

Hillary will not. She will do the politically expedient thing like she always does and bombs will fall and it will be a disaster.
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Re: Every. Damn. Time.

Postby dexeron » Thu Jun 09, 2016 3:20 pm

I don't want to shit up all of your Facebook posts, but I really want to post various sarcastic reaction gifs to your latest anti-Hillary image memes. Like, I mean it in good fun, but I don't want to start a giant political wank-fest in your comments (any more so than there already will be.) ;)
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Re: Every. Damn. Time.

Postby Agent » Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:32 pm

It is your duty as a free and democratic citizen of the United States to criticize the president and she's probably going to be president so might as well get a head start on that.
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Re: Every. Damn. Time.

Postby Despanan » Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:39 pm

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Re: Every. Damn. Time.

Postby dexeron » Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:45 am

I hate it, because it's part of the same narrative that there's obviously "something" wrong with her, but it's more attacks on her personality. It's the "she's a cackling witch" narrative, and there's honestly an undercurrent of sexism there. It's like that "H" meme you posted. "Let's grab a bunch of really bad women and put them next to Hillary... because they're all women?" I mean, let's discuss the horror of war, but if someone unironically actually puts a mentally ill mass murderer up and tries to compare them to someone engaging in war for reasons that you might not agree with - but which can at least be argued - it makes me feel like the image creator doesn't deserve to ever be allowed to speak in adult company ever again. (I'd have disagreed, but at least had more respect, if the meme put Kissinger and Reagan in there with Thatcher. At least then it would be making a valid political argument, and not just saying: "Bad women are bad! Hillary is a woman! She's bad!" Tossing in an exploitation film from the 1970s doesn't really help with the "this is ultimately a sexist meme" accusation.
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Re: Every. Damn. Time.

Postby Agent » Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:17 am

Sounds like you need better dumb image curation Desp.
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Re: Every. Damn. Time.

Postby Despanan » Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:31 am

You're missing context Dex, that image was a response to a meme the Hillary campaign was circulating putting Hillary up there with Sojourner Truth, Lucy Parsons, Rosa Parks and Susan Bee Anthony.

It was really gross, which was why the other image, featuring awful women throughout the years was made - because Hillary or someone who worked there was trying to steal the ethos of prominent female activists of the past and erase their struggle by co-option.

It was really gross and offensive which was why I shared the other "H".
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Re: Every. Damn. Time.

Postby dexeron » Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:41 am

So put up people that make the point without turning it into sexism. Not that hard.
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Re: Every. Damn. Time.

Postby Despanan » Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:39 am

The meme itself was specifically woman-centric. I don't think it's necessarily sexist to point out terrible women throughout history. If you want to try to claim you're making history because you're a woman, it's only natural to point out the other women who made history in a negative way.

Though I wish said meme had not included the Whore of Babylon. That was sexist, but I didn't realize that until after I shared it.
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