by Despanan » Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:12 pm
Alternatively btw: The near death experience.
So, that light and the tunnel and everything "dead relatives beckoning" meeting God. All of this is likely caused by the chemical DMT, which is present in all organic life. In the last decade or so, people have managed to distill it and smoke it, and induce the same type of Hallucinations that people experience when they are dying. Some people who smoke it actually think that DMT allows you to die for real, and then come back.
Which is of course ridiculous, except to the person who experiences it - because if in fact they DID die and return, or were just tripping balls, how could they possibly know?
I've also heard speculation that "the afterlife" or "heaven" or whatever is all a personalized hallucination which occurs at the moment of your death - so like, when you die time slows or stops and you live "forever" in that final hallucination (at least until it ends, which is still "forever" as far as you are concerned).
The question then becomes: is it real or not? Well it has a physical cause (DMT) but assuming that the afterlife were a material thing, it would have to have a physical cause - and even if it weren't "real" would that really matter to the individual experiencing it? I mean if you experienced an entirely new post-life existence in a sense the fact that you experienced it would make it "real", even if it wasn't real.