by Despanan » Wed Feb 17, 2016 2:50 pm
We tend to view actions in a very limited disconnected way. "X action will result in Y and that's all it will result in." but I think this is wrong-view based upon our brain's inability to consider all the angles on a particular thing. That's actually why Karma is an important way to look at what we do, and why we do it. It creates a precedent where the person is constantly reminded to think and do their absolute best in any situation and if you do that you can't help but make the world a better place.
We could of course invent elaborate scenarios where a person acting in accordance with the Lotus Sutra always results in negative outcomes (Not killing Hitler before he's Hitler for instance) but that's kinda like that "Hell" level of Mario, where no matter what Mario does he suddenly hits an invisible block and dies. Hypothetically it's possible, but to entertain it as a serious scenario is just us reveling in our fundamental darkness. It's negativity for the sake of negativity.
In practice, the people who do their best as a matter of policy are a boon to themselves and their community, and when an action stems from the proper motivation and mental state, even if there are errors due to unforseen circumstances, they will be mitigated out in aggregate.