You know what? I was going to respond point for point, but I'm not going to do that.
Instead I am going to apologize. Clearly I did a poor job expressing myself, because as much as I'd like to lay this entirely at your feet at the end of the day I am responsible for my actions and their impact on others. We have been talking past each other when we could be having a more productive conversation, like the one Rip suggested.
I will still maintain that my intent was not to preach. If I'm going to do Shakabuku it's not going to be with you guys. I honestly figured it wouldn't be a problem, because Buddhists are also atheists - as in I do not believe in gods nor the supernatural.
It was also douchey of me to respond to Rip's claim that he was acknowledged as an enlightened being by telling him everyone is an enlightened being. The point of you saying that was to claim you are special (half jokingly) - and that's actually right, you are special. Like nothing I said was untrue, but still it's half a jab and that's not a good way to start off a conversation.
I don't think you're enlightened, but let's face facts, you don't either. 'Cause you don't believe in that shit.
So yeah, my bad guys. I'm sure some of what I typed was passive aggressive and that's not cool. Let's just say I got sucked into ClanBOB and ClanBOB is awful these days.
I'm still the same old Despanan - I just happen to have found a thing that works for me, and I just like talking about it. I won't say it can't work for you for reasons I already went into, but I don't think it's the only thing that can work for you - and maybe you don't even need a thing. Maybe you're good and that's okay.
Me? Well at the moment at least I need a thing. My life is very uncertain. Lots of good shit has happened, but I still can't pay for a family and I have no assurances that I ever will be able to. I'm pretty sure it will work out, and the chanting helps to keep my anxiety and stress at bay - which is important.
I ride the subway and walk by homeless people every day, and that's upsetting and scary. This is a very big, indifferent city with a shit ton of money and opportunity, but you have to be a fucking asshole to get any of it or live with any kind of security (or at least it seems that way ie: maybe that's wrong-view). I've found a bunch of people who aren't assholes, and as much as I joke about it, it's really not a cult - though I can see why someone might think otherwise (relentless optimism is weird, but as I said, it wins you over in spite of yourself.)
I still think every single one of you are being relentless assbags - maybe that's because it scares you that I became religious, maybe you just like trolling me, and maybe I've been a bit of a dick (my guess is all three).
But fact is there's a reason I'm still talking to you after all these years. We're friends, and I actually like that even though lately you're behaving like you're miserable.
And RIP, honestly - did not want to screw with your equilibrium. I fucking hate Ayn Rand. I hate what her work does to people and I really can't stand elitism, largely because most of the people who think they're elite fucking aren't. They're mediocre assbags who need that narrative to feel good about themselves (and don't act like you don't fucking know that because you do).
But I don't have a problem with you or what you believe. I don't think you're a mediocre assbag. I think you're an assbag but not as much as you pretend.
In any case, if ya'll want to have a real discussion at some point let me know. I'll try not to use too much jargon, but honestly, I'm excited about this shit and using new words and terms is fun for me. I will make a distinct effort to make it more relate-able and I'll be sure not to step on your toes.