Since they switched me to IE9 at work, I've been annoyed.
The Oracle-thingy we use to do our work (BANNER) has one form where you click on a button, and it displays a student's application in a web-browser window. Previously, it would pop up a new window every time, right up in front. Which made sense; I had just clicked on a button to SEE it, so obviously I'd want it to be visible to me.
Since they updated my system (and moved me to IE9), clicking that button now makes the student's application appear in a new tab on one of my already open browser windows. (We have to leave a browser open, pointed to the address where our instance of BANNER is in order for BANNER to stay open.) Ususally, I've got that minimized somewhere. So now, the student's app appears, minimized somewhere, instead of popping up conveniently in front of me.
Is there some setting or way to change IE's behavior so that the request BANNER is sending to display this information makes it toss the info up in a new window, in the foreground? It's a relatively minor annoyance, but it is frustrating always clicking, then having to go dig through all my windows to figure out where the damn thing is hiding.