like a big clamp or something

like a big clamp or something

Postby Agent » Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:36 pm

and it secures it in place so it stops rattling but then it starts buzzing so now you ened another clamp and its starting to get expensive so you juust leave it there waiting to finish it later and you never do you just arts putting stuff on to p of it ilike a table but its not even a table but now its got so much stuff on to p of it is that ythere no where else to put it so yours just stuck with it like that forever you know it sucks bauct what are you agoing to do now i guess you ust throw it all in the trash
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Re: like a big clamp or something

Postby Agent » Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:23 pm

learn the difference between phase and faze you barbarians
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Re: like a big clamp or something

Postby Ventilator » Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:22 pm

This honestly doesn't faze me.
Pretty cool
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