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cbforever • View topic - Rip we need you

Rip we need you

Re: Rip we need you

Postby Sorce » Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:27 am

Okay on Gambit, but I'm not typing out the accent. I ain't Brad Pitt from Snatch.

Or Desp in a VtM RP.
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Re: Rip we need you

Postby Rip » Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:03 pm

So, totes took yesterday off too. Catching up on work crap but I'm still here for another 9 hours anywayz, so expect some movement here later today, specifically in the character sheet direction. I think we have all our players though so once that's up I'll start working on the first scene/tutorial

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Re: Rip we need you

Postby Inferno » Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:25 pm

I go through a wall.
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Re: Rip we need you

Postby Rip » Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:25 pm

Okay, this seems to be the most accepted homebrew version of Gambit out there, with a couple minor adjustments made due to feedback:

Solo - d8, Buddy - d6, Team - d10

Cajun Casanova
Master Thief
Shady Past

Energy Tap
d10 Psychic Resistance
d8 Energy Blast
d8 Enhanced Reflexes

SFX: 52 Card Pickup. Target multiple opponents; for each additional target, add 1d6 and keep +1 Effect die
SFX: Unleashed. Step up Energy Blast for one action. If that action is unsuccessful, add a die to the Doom Pool equal to the highest die used.
SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 PP to ignore mental Stress of Trauma caused by Psychic attacks
Limit: Lose Control. Earn 1 PP and change Energy Blast into a "Uncontrollable Potential" Complication. Recover Power by activating an Opportunity or during a Transition scene; Complication must be removed as normal
Limit: Mutant. When affected by mutant-specific complications or tech, earn 1 PP.

Telescoping Bo
d8 Weapon
d6 Durability

SFX: Focus. If your pool includes a Telescoping Bo die, you may replace two dice of equal size with one stepped-up die.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Telescoping Bo to gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom Pool to recover.

d10 Crime Master
d8 Combat Expert
d8 Covert Expert
d8 Acrobatic Expert

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Re: Rip we need you

Postby Rip » Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:36 pm

Also, perhaps completely unsurprisingly, there is apparently zero interest online for a Cypher MHR datafile. Whipping up one for him shouldn't be too hard, but making it a viable character probably would be.

So, I need the following two things:

1. Dex to pick a character

2. Nick to tell me he's okay either playing someone who will have very little combat applications in a combat heavy game OR he wants to play someone else

3. Nachos

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Re: Rip we need you

Postby Inferno » Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:39 pm

I walk back through the wall get some nachos.
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Re: Rip we need you

Postby Rip » Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:48 am

I see no nachos.

Okay so since it's not fair for the rest of you to wait, I've decided to work on XP and Milestones today. To that end I will give everyone at least one public Milestone today that you can use to earn XP in full view of the group with everyone watching and judging you. I will also PM several Secret Milestones to certain characters that can be used to earn Secret XP, and represent their own personal secret goals during the Dark Reign that your character will be looking to reconcile.

I should also probably tell you how XP works.

A typical Milestone looks like this one, for a character associated with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Climbing the Ranks
You’re on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s payroll by choice or by decree and you’ve taken on the duty of upholding the law, including the Super Human Registration Act...
1 XP when your actions earn you positive notice from your superiors in S.H.I.E.L.D.
3 XP when you first inflict stress on a metahuman on orders from S.H.I.E.L.D.
10 XP when you’re appointed Director or Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., or when you sacrifice your career with S.H.I.E.L.D. to do what you think is right.

1 and 3 XP Milestones can be hit multiple times in a Scene, within reason (my discretion). 10 XP are one-time hits, and usually mean the Milestone is Resolved and another one will need to be chosen. Mostly, Milestones are little rewards for playing your character well.

What rewards, though? Since the Marvel characters don't exactly "level", XP is used to purchase in-game Unlockables, which help by adding bonuses and rewards that are more based on the story at hand. These can range from a squad of 3-5 former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who agree to accompany you on a mission for 5XP, to a temporary Power Set like a stolen experimental Hydra weapon that fires once for 3XP, up to and beyond character-changing permanent Power Sets such as bonding with a Symbiote and adding its Template to yours for 10XP, or (and this is an example they give) being chosen by Odin to bear Mjolnir, and thus add the power of Thor to your character. One S.H.I.E.L.D. specific Unlockable allows you to literally bring back any character that has died by spending 10 XP and declaring that the "dead" character was actually a highly sophisticated Life Model Decoy. Etc. etc.

Throughout the day I will be scouring all of the official books to give you guys a range of potential Unlockables (though not all, of course, because spoilers), as well as post your Milestones here, when I get breaks from the drudgery that keeps my corgi fed.

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Re: Rip we need you

Postby Rip » Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:08 pm

Also also, straight from the book, you can spend XP in following generic ways:

"You can spend 5 XP to do the following…
XX Replace an existing Distinction with a new one.
XX Add or replace a Limit in a Power Set.
XX Switch two Affiliation traits.
XX Unlock a minor Event resource (Unlockable).

You can spend 10 XP to do the following…
XX Add a new SFX to a Power Set.
XX Step up a d6 or d8 power trait by one step.
XX Add a new d6 power trait to a Power Set.
XX Remove a Limit from a Power Set that has two or more Limits.
XX Unlock a major Event resource (Unlockable).

You can spend 15 XP to do the following…
XX Step up a d10 power trait by one step.
XX Replace an existing Power Set with a new one.
XX Add a new Expert Specialty or upgrade an existing Expert to Master.

As a player, you always have the option to spend 1 XP to add a Plot Point to your current pool of PP. This also increases the minimum PP you start each session with by +1 to a maximum of 5 PP (with 4 XP spent). It’s not the most efficient use of your XP, but maybe you really want to get ahead of the game! This increased minimum starting amount resets to 1 at the beginning of a new Act, though—make use of ‘em while you’ve got ‘em."

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Re: Rip we need you

Postby Rip » Thu Feb 26, 2015 5:37 pm


Iron Fist
Immortal Weapon
1 XP when you use your Combat or Mystic Specialties to aid another hero.
3 XP when you first defeat an opponent in a Buddy situation using your Iron Fist SFX.
10 XP when you either nominate another hero as your replacement and give up your title or defeat another hero to prove your status as the true Iron Fist.

Never Can Tell...
1 XP when you first use your Unstable Limit in any Scene.
3 XP when you alter your pattern of insane joking to say something lucid, smart, and logical in the midst of super heroic chaos and weirdness.
10 XP when you arbitrarily switch sides in a conflict or reject a reasonable and attractive offer to remain with your allies.
Just ignore that other Milestone I put on your sheet earlier. This is your Public one.

In Over Your Head
1 XP when you first use your Reactive Power SFX in a scene.
3 XP when you point out something new and startling to your character/solve a plot-related mystery
10 XP when you stress out a villain on an action roll not using your Intangibility power die.

The One and Only
1 XP when you talk trash to a super villain and the doom pool has at least 2d8 in it.
3 XP when your refusal to back down when obviously outclassed or overpowered either causes you to take stress or allows one of your allies to gain XP from one of their Milestones.
10 XP when you publicly take full credit for defeating a superior enemy or acknowledge the aid of your allies.

Bonjour, Chérie...
1 XP when you choose a character to flirt with, either Player- or Watcher-controlled
3 XP when you use your charm to change your chosen character's mind
10 XP when you convince your chosen character to abandon their group and run away with you, or you end the relationship because it would never work out between you two

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Re: Rip we need you

Postby Rip » Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:46 pm

Okay, I've also sent out the Secret Milestones to those five above. So really, let's play.

I'll start a new thread for the game proper; Dex and Nick, Don't Panic. We can easily bring you guys in/say you were there all along once we finalize your stuff.

This is now the Official Out Of Character thread, cause it has all your character sheets and milestones and etc. etc. Any questions/comments/concerns about the game, please keep them in here so as not to bog down the RP thread. I'll start us up either tonight or by end of day tomorrow, and weekends don't count so don't worry.

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