by Rip » Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:48 am
I see no nachos.
Okay so since it's not fair for the rest of you to wait, I've decided to work on XP and Milestones today. To that end I will give everyone at least one public Milestone today that you can use to earn XP in full view of the group with everyone watching and judging you. I will also PM several Secret Milestones to certain characters that can be used to earn Secret XP, and represent their own personal secret goals during the Dark Reign that your character will be looking to reconcile.
I should also probably tell you how XP works.
A typical Milestone looks like this one, for a character associated with S.H.I.E.L.D.
Climbing the Ranks
You’re on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s payroll by choice or by decree and you’ve taken on the duty of upholding the law, including the Super Human Registration Act...
1 XP when your actions earn you positive notice from your superiors in S.H.I.E.L.D.
3 XP when you first inflict stress on a metahuman on orders from S.H.I.E.L.D.
10 XP when you’re appointed Director or Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., or when you sacrifice your career with S.H.I.E.L.D. to do what you think is right.
1 and 3 XP Milestones can be hit multiple times in a Scene, within reason (my discretion). 10 XP are one-time hits, and usually mean the Milestone is Resolved and another one will need to be chosen. Mostly, Milestones are little rewards for playing your character well.
What rewards, though? Since the Marvel characters don't exactly "level", XP is used to purchase in-game Unlockables, which help by adding bonuses and rewards that are more based on the story at hand. These can range from a squad of 3-5 former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who agree to accompany you on a mission for 5XP, to a temporary Power Set like a stolen experimental Hydra weapon that fires once for 3XP, up to and beyond character-changing permanent Power Sets such as bonding with a Symbiote and adding its Template to yours for 10XP, or (and this is an example they give) being chosen by Odin to bear Mjolnir, and thus add the power of Thor to your character. One S.H.I.E.L.D. specific Unlockable allows you to literally bring back any character that has died by spending 10 XP and declaring that the "dead" character was actually a highly sophisticated Life Model Decoy. Etc. etc.
Throughout the day I will be scouring all of the official books to give you guys a range of potential Unlockables (though not all, of course, because spoilers), as well as post your Milestones here, when I get breaks from the drudgery that keeps my corgi fed.