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cbforever • View topic - Random Stuff

Random Stuff

Re: Random Stuff

Postby Phantomgrift » Sun May 12, 2013 12:17 pm

It wouldn't surprise me at all that the closest you can come to try to insult me is alluding something to my wife. You've done it in the past.

And yet, despite all the nonsense that passes back and forth between us, I always insult you.
Not your pretty little girlfriend that crops up on your Facebook page. Just you.

Granted, per the verse, the only other thing left is to somehow allude to me being a prophet telling a king that God's going to fuck his shit up.
I'm not prophet and the only thing you may be king of is crazy.

Which, again, leaves you alluding to the fact that your insulting my wife.
It's amusing to me that you've grown so desperate in your attempt to "prove" that your somehow better than I am, that you have to resort to something like that.

Maybe years from now I'll visit New York. It'll be fun.

Le Gasp! Whoops! I have possibly alluded to a veiled reference that I may or may not attempt to end your existence in the distant future! OH Noes! Internets!


Stay funny Desperate. Stay funny.
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Re: Random Stuff

Postby Despanan » Sun May 12, 2013 12:40 pm

Okay, despite the multiple hints you're still not getting it. I'll just have to be blunt:

How's son?
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Re: Random Stuff

Postby Phantomgrift » Sun May 12, 2013 12:59 pm

Oh yeah, I almost forgot that when you've truly run out of ideas, you attempt to question the legitimacy of my son.
Because that's totally acceptable in most circles anywhere.

Desperate, Desperate, Desperate little man.
I like to try to dismiss that little "joke" of yours from my mind, because if I give it to much thought, it does lead me to legitimately factor how much effort, time and expenditure would be needed to visit you at some point in the distant future.

I do love, however, that this simply highlights your true nature.
I remain unfazed by your attempts at mocking me personally, so the only thing you can resort to are my wife and child.

Tell me again what a noble and stalwart advent of change and betterment for mankind you are again?

Actually, even though the Ativan is keeping me pretty level-headed, I can at least put this out there.
In the god-forsaken, unlikely and astronomical chance that something were to ever happen to my family... Much as I've discussed with the Shrink, I will indeed say "screw it" and take out my rage and grief on everyone around me. I will, however, in that unholy and hypothetical event, place you squarely in the top five of the people on my mental "list". Mostly for shits and giggles.

Le Gasp again! Whoops, is it an actual veiled threat against you? The mad rantings of a poor soul online? The bored postings of someone floating on the internet? Who knows!
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Re: Random Stuff

Postby Despanan » Sun May 12, 2013 2:14 pm

You know what? I had a whole HILARIOUS response I was going to do - being that you walked right into it...but I don't think I will. I was just reflecting on the original metaphor I'd used and I think it may cut both ways.

So if you lack the capacity to learn from your mistakes, what exactly am I doing by constantly slapping your dumb ass? As much as I love to get into it with people who deserve it, this is startin to border on sadism. RIP was right - you NEED this - or at least you don't have enough sense to back away from the things that make you angry. I honestly did not come into this thread with the intent to troll you but it seems that whatever you get from these conversations is unhealthy for you.

So you know what? I think I'm gonna do the same thing RIP did and walk away from this - We both have more important things to focus on, and taunting a sick guy, no matter how much of a jackass he is - isn't all that classy.

So, I'm done arguing with you Phant. I'm done responding to you. I'm done thinking about you. I recommend you do the same thing and focus on your recovery and your family - but I doubt you will.

Congratulations on finally getting the help you need, and I wish you all the best Phantomgrift.
Last edited by Despanan on Sun May 12, 2013 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random Stuff

Postby dexeron » Sun May 12, 2013 2:41 pm

I also run the 2nd best ClanBOB Discord at: https://discord.gg/Ks5cz6r
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Re: Random Stuff

Postby Phantomgrift » Sun May 12, 2013 3:11 pm

You have presented a classic and clichéd internet response. The tried and true “ I quit”.
You mention taunting a “sick guy”, make claims about my perceived psychological traits, etc, all like this is some big final heartbreaking thing for you. And you finalize it by signing off with my full name and rank?

Do you know what that signifies? It’s an indicator that you’re trying to get under my skin. One final taunt about how you can post my name in entirety, that you can find me online… Whoot. Scary.
Why? What purpose does it serve? Brent… (OMG! I know your name as well! Saints Above!)

Your post reeks of self-sanctified pompous self-righteousness.
I haven’t “learned from my mistakes”.
What mistakes you lunatic? This is an internet forum. It’s an internet forum where people banter and bullshit on the most random of things. There are no “mistakes”. We are not a debate class in college, we are not a doctorate level class wherein responses to people mean the difference between earning a living and slinging burgers. It’s a fucking forum board. And yet you expect to act like this is some big, grand endeavor that I should have learned something from. How important do you really think you are?

Apparently you think you’re fairly important. You like to presume you know what makes me work, and you like to think that you’re so all-fired important that I spend waking hours contemplating everything you do. Are you aware of how delusional that is on your part?

When I’m at work, I check into the internet. When I’m not at work, I rarely turn on the computer. I pop into Clanbob occasionally. And when I do, a lot of times I fail to post anything. Unless, of course, I can have a moment to be a contrary jackass to anything you post. That’s not thinking about you. That’s a situational response.

And Dex, why do you even bother.
Adults weren’t trying to discuss jack-shit. This thread originally opened with me talking about how I was seeing a psychologist. It’s right there in the title: “Random Stuff”. As I just pointed out, this is not a critical debate forum. This is internet banter and bullshit at its most classic.

I don’t come here to “look smart”. I quite frankly come here to see if anyone’s still posting, and see if I can get a rise out of people like you and Desp. Apparently, despite your attempts to be all “grown up”, I can still effectively get under your skin by being a stubborn ass. No Dex, this is not “adults trying to discuss something”.

And man, you’re giving yourself entirely too much credit if you think I’m trying to impress anyone.
It’s a routine. A comfortable routine we’ve all fallen into. If you want to sit and hold actual discussions of merit on half the bullshit that Desp soapboxes about, than go join a political or sociological forum wherein they ban you if you so much as stray from actual topic-related discourse.

Other than that… Heh. Get the fuck over yourself.

Look at Desp up there. He acted like he’s some sort of stricken teacher, woefully shaking his head at his inability to reach a student.
We’re not in a classroom and he’s not a teacher. Hell, I called him out on basically falling back to a joke of his own creation that boils down to my son isn’t my flesh and blood. That’s not the act of a noble teacher. That’s the act of a jackass online.

The fact that I can reduce you both to this level speaks volumes about your characters.
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Re: Random Stuff

Postby Despanan » Sun May 12, 2013 3:46 pm

See my response to your PM.
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Re: Random Stuff

Postby Phantomgrift » Sun May 12, 2013 3:58 pm

I did.

For what it's worth, I'll apologize.
I know I'm a confrontational asshole, and a lot of times I run with it to the point I honestly don't see or don't care how the other person may consider that. As I've said before, a lot of times it's a knee-jerk thing to get a reaction out of people.

I'll still consider you a hippie, but meh... I've got friends that are hippies, and as long as you don't go all unwashed Woodstock on us, I think it's alright.

I still consider the internet the last true playground of amusement, so take a lot of what I've said in the past for the bombastic nonsense it is.
Though I'm still going to hold you to that beer you mentioned back in the day if I ever do get a chance to visit New York.
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Re: Random Stuff

Postby Despanan » Sun May 12, 2013 4:11 pm

I'll apologise as well. I've got friends who are in the Navy.

And yeah, I will still have a beer with you. Should you find yourself in NYC.

thank you for your service.


P.S. I AM a hippy.
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Re: Random Stuff

Postby Phantomgrift » Sun May 12, 2013 4:16 pm

While I don't quite fully agree with your aspect and Rip's that I "need" this place. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't get a visceral thrill every time I've encountered someone on a forum or Facebook or a chat or what-have-you that I could ultimately piss off and/or frustrate beyond measure.

Then of course, once the argumentative nature got going, it was more fun to push it further. My empathy still needs a little work, but yeah, every now and then I remember or have to remind myself that despite my bitter misgivings, all people, all the time, are not the eternal assholes I'd like them to be.

Alas Desp, the internet will never end. Heh, though if the government has it's way, it'll end up heavily regulated in the name of preventing piracy.
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