by Phantomgrift » Sat May 11, 2013 1:24 pm
"It was subsequently adopted by UNESCO at the twenty-fifth session of the General Conference on 16 November 1989. The statement, then known as a 'Statement on Violence', was designed to refute "the notion that organized human violence is biologically determined"."
I wish you'd learn to read.
I've never made claims about organized human violence.
I've simply stated that deep down, people are assholes.
Like right now for instance. Deep down, are you trying to post all these things because you are driven by a deep, purely-driven desire to reach out and educate someone on a purely neutral and non-emotional level?
Or deep-down, is this a matter of you smiling inside at something closer to: "Ha! I'll show that stupid moron why he's wrong!" as you inwardly gloat over your chance to supposedly prove online how much of an idiot I am?
Based on your posts in that past, I'd lean heavily towards the latter than any noble teaching moment on your part.
Ergo, you're an asshole. Ergo, I can readily find a great many number of utter assholes on a daily basis. I mean, studies are all well and good. Even scientific ones.
It was a carefully researched and scientifically derived study that states that the roads would be safer if everyone followed posted rules of the road.
I mean, it's right there... Science! But again, it'll be an astronomical improbability the day everyone across the globe suddenly and magically decides to follow posted rules of the road, 100% of the time.
It's okay Desp. You're still a long-haired, overweight, aging activist, and people are still predominantly assholes.
Besides, if this greater truth was discovered back in 86, then how do you explain the rise of reality tv shows that thrive on the concept of everyone in the show being a complete and utter douchewaffle?
(And for the record, I was born in the seventies. Nice try though, you're still an incorrect dildo.)
Waiter... Waiter?
Curses! When will I ever remember; Order dessert first and THEN kill everyone in the restaurant.