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cbforever • View topic - Mass Effect 3
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Mass Effect 3

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:28 pm
by Samurai
Okay, video games are things, so this is the forum I propose we talk about them until Nick actually comes up with a structure for this place.

I know at least a couple of others will also have played the Omega DLC by now, so what did you think? I enjoyed it, but thought @FemShep's criticism of the script being a little weak in places a fair one. Paragon Shepard didn't, IMHO, react enough to some of the things Aria was coming out with -- although that's arguably a flaw in the wider game, with Shepard being much more of a passive observer while squad-mates converse than in previous instalments. The main Cerberus antagonist also didn't come across as quite the Erwin Rommel figure he did in ME: Invasion -- an unusual instance of ME printed literature being better than the relevant bit of the game.

It was a shame there was no provision for the regular crew to be involved, although I understand the logistical reasons behind that. There were no new gameplay elements, either, and the boss fight wasn't exactly stelllar. I thought it was a bit easy, too -- I rarely felt threatened with death on hardcore, even when facing down the reaper creatures, although a level 59-60 infiltrator with a Widow can slice through a lot, it must be said. We'll see what it's like at insanity difficulty.

But there were some definite positives, too. More voice acting from Carrie-Ann Moss is always welcome, particularly as Aria's such a great character, and the other squad-mate (avoiding spoilers) is an interesting and worthwhile addition to the franchise. I rather suspect we'll be seeing an imminent MP expansion if enough other players agree. The environments were nicely realised, particularly in the body of the asteroid, and the moral quandary was executed well enough. The reaper creatures also transferred well from comic to game.

All in all, it was fun, but it was no LotSB (the benchmark for all ME DLC now, I'm afraid), despite costing, IIRC, half as much again. I think fans should still get it, and will likely enjoy it when they do, but it's the overall value of the package isn't quite good enough to make it a no-brainer.

Re: Mass Effect 3

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:42 pm
by Sorce
I'm waiting until it's under $10 before I buy it. If the game itself is under $20, and it gives you at least 30 hours of gameplay, I don't see paying ~$5 less and getting an add-on that's a around 4 hours long.

It's that ruthless calculus again.

Re: Mass Effect 3

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:18 pm
by Samurai
I applaud your restraint. I couldn't wait, and was lucky enough to have the money knocking around to buy at launch price. But yes, a bit of DLC more expensive than LotSB which is neither as long nor, if we're honest, as good could certainly incline one to spend no more than its predecessors.

I believe the bit of Bioware that produced Omega will be responsible for the next ME game, though, so it's interesting to play from that perspective, if nothing else.

"Next ME"

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:02 pm
by Skittles
That phrase fills me with a terrible sense of foreboding. Though I loved my time there and wish I could explore more, even releasing DLC after ME 3 feels wrong, almost perverse. The story is done; let it be done.

btw, not aimed at you sam, just expressing a tangential sentiment.

Re: Mass Effect 3

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:43 pm
by Samurai
No offence taken. :)

I understand how you feel. I welcome another game, though a) because I love the setting enough to welcome another game, be it a prequel or post-reaper continuation, and b) because it gives Bioware a chance in the future to conclude my favourite series of recent years with an ending that doesn't make me shout at the screen when it happens. <:)

Re: Mass Effect 3

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:37 am
by Skittles
If they just use the universe, like, FAAAAR removed from any of the Shepard's work and without mucking up their own universe too much that would be okay. The thing is, I saw what was supposed to be a leaked early story boarding, and...

It was at that very moment that I forced myself to lose any hope for a future ME, nay actively hope against it.

Re: Mass Effect 3

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:40 pm
by Samurai
Weeeeell... if that's true, it would at least give the indoctrination theorists a new cause for hope. But if it's played straight, with the 'best' ending disregarded, I'd have serious reservations about buying.

Re: Mass Effect 3

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:45 pm
by Skittles

Re: Mass Effect 3

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:38 pm
by Sorce
Early storyboards ain't shit; that's like a step up from spitballing in the writer's room.

Also, the internet runs on porn and hatred, so it's probably someone trolling.

Re: Mass Effect 3

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:47 pm
by Samurai
Like Sparta's response to Phillip II, the salient word in my previous post was "if". ;)