Agents of SHIELD

I have no idea if anyone will even see this, but I was interested in making a few comments about the series now the first season finale has finally aired in the UK, and I have more characters here to do it than on Twitter.
I think the critics were being unduly harsh on the first half of the season. Yes, J Whedon the Elder didn't write scripts after the pilot, and it certainly seemed initially to follow the ol' format for a while, but it was a series saddled with a fair bit of continuity it couldn't just establish as it went along that still needed to find its feet. I think it did reasonably well at that, and while not all the characters were initially engaging (Ward and Skye particularly), Coulson and May between them were enough to make the series watchable. Early guest appearances from Jackson and Smulders helped root it in the MCU, but the show still managed to work without the need to have seen any of the films, I'd say.
While there were still a few continuity problems and plot holes by the end, the stronger arc storytelling and the reveal made for a strong conclusion, and a better team (although I'm reserving judgement on Trip as a character until we've seen a bit more of him). The one thing* that annoys me is that I didn't get a chance to see The Winter Soldier at the cinema because I couldn't get out of work to accompany the friends who were going, and now I know pretty much the entire plot. But actually, given how well Cap and Black Widow have been realised on screen to date, I'll certainly be watching it anyway.
Anyone else make it through to the end of the series?
* Well, two things. I liked Agent Hand and,
I think the critics were being unduly harsh on the first half of the season. Yes, J Whedon the Elder didn't write scripts after the pilot, and it certainly seemed initially to follow the ol' format for a while, but it was a series saddled with a fair bit of continuity it couldn't just establish as it went along that still needed to find its feet. I think it did reasonably well at that, and while not all the characters were initially engaging (Ward and Skye particularly), Coulson and May between them were enough to make the series watchable. Early guest appearances from Jackson and Smulders helped root it in the MCU, but the show still managed to work without the need to have seen any of the films, I'd say.
While there were still a few continuity problems and plot holes by the end, the stronger arc storytelling and the reveal made for a strong conclusion, and a better team (although I'm reserving judgement on Trip as a character until we've seen a bit more of him). The one thing* that annoys me is that I didn't get a chance to see The Winter Soldier at the cinema because I couldn't get out of work to accompany the friends who were going, and now I know pretty much the entire plot. But actually, given how well Cap and Black Widow have been realised on screen to date, I'll certainly be watching it anyway.
Anyone else make it through to the end of the series?
* Well, two things. I liked Agent Hand and,