Which, to some folks, may be disturbing as to why I find them so amusing.
http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/27/us/into-t ... ssing-teen
Seems that the young fellowmcgee here was a big fan of Christopher McSenseless and the movie "Into The Wild".
As someone that, much like Desp, (in one of our rare shared interests), is an avid outdoors type, I always question the amazement at this type of thought process.
"Holy crap! This movie is about a guy that didn't know anything about wilderness survival, hippy-hiked to Alaska .... and DIED! Golly Gee Willikers Batman, Imma gonna do the exact same thing!!"
Really folks?
Reports from Fish and Game and Rangers in Alaska have indicated a alarming number of idiots that have tried to visit McSenseless's site like some sort of bohemian Mecca, only to die horribly. The last one was some Swedish chick that got swept off in the river near the site when she tried to ford it. Fording rivers on a hike is tricky shit any time of the year. Fording rivers in Alaska fed by new thaw run-off? By yourself?
Let's go swimming in a nuclear reactor cooling pool while we're pursuing these types of "good ideas".
Even "47 Hours" or whatever that movie was.
Some thrill-seeking junkie heads off into the desert by himself, doesn't bother to tell anyone where he is, and ultimately has to self-amputate roughly half-an-hour to an hour before he was found.
Park Rangers out that way have had to rescue an increasing number of people who saw the movie and decided it'd be an awesome place to visit. Wasting time and manpower to increase patrols of an area, simply because people are retarded.
After dealing with touchy-feely yahoos in Washington, I would like to take this moment to point out that nature is not your benevolent friend. Nature doesn't care. If you go prepared, you can do well. If you go prepared, you can still die. If you go in completely unprepared because you think trees and "outdoors" equates to your local city park... Then I for one will laugh when I read about how nature chewed you up like so much dead game.