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Bradley Manning: Not Guilty
Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:59 pm
by Despanan
Of "Aiding the enemy' at least: ... story.htmlIn honor of that, I thought I'd share the first thing he ever leaked:
Warning: It's pretty upsetting. You basically watch 8+ people die for no good reason.
Re: Bradley Manning: Not Guilty
Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:00 am
by dexeron
Yea, at least the life imprisonment without parole is off the table.
Isn't is also great how Obama's website got suddenly scrubbed of all mention of "Project Whistleblowers?" Yea, I guess still having all that text up there about strengthening "whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government" was kind of embarressing, huh.
Re: Bradley Manning: Not Guilty
Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:26 pm
by Despanan
He's still facing like, I think 131 years unfortunately.
It's really disheartening to see just how much of a 180 Obama has done since taking office. You sort of expect that shit out of politicians but I don't think I've ever seen a president be so blatantly hypocritical.
Re: Bradley Manning: Not Guilty
Wed Jul 31, 2013 3:35 pm
by cain
it's not like he has to get re-elected.
Re: Bradley Manning: Not Guilty
Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:04 am
by Phantomgrift
Gone for a week and glad to see Desp is still and idiot.
Manning is not a "whistleblower".
I went through a rough spot, got the help and drugs I needed.
Manning went through a rough spot, looted work that didn't even pertain to his job, and decided he needed to post it because his feelings were hurt.
Bradley Manning is an immature little fuck who in all honesty, never should have joined the military in the first place.
He is not a "whistleblower". He's a traitor. I'm glad he got the jail time and I can only hope he's never released.
And Desp... OH NOES! Eight people!
Gee, it's almost like those reporters were hanging around a target associated with known members of a terrorist organization.
Sleep with pigs, blah, blah, blah.
Legitimate target. Collateral damage.
Pilots joking? Gee, how else do you think we desensitize ourselves to the nature of our jobs?
God forbid anyone ever get a recording of homicide detectives investigating a murder scene. Desp would have a little ol heart attack to hear what kind of jokes you make when you're confronted with death and evil on a regular basis.
Re: Bradley Manning: Not Guilty
Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:37 am
by dexeron
Re: Bradley Manning: Not Guilty
Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:08 pm
by Rip
it's funny how humans can all be inept little evil pathetic creatures unless they're Phant's superiors
Re: Bradley Manning: Not Guilty
Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:55 pm
by Emoore
Re: Bradley Manning: Not Guilty
Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:51 am
by Phantomgrift
It’s alright.
I’m honestly not going to try to sway you guys one way or another, because there is a historical precedence that has always followed the military. Namely, civilians will never be able to understand how the military mindset works. You’re raised on an image of the military that is either historically one-sided in a “Go To School/Yay America” way, or whatever Hollywood tells you the military is. Mostly either to much noble warriors, or evil bastards one and all.
We learn to desensitize ourselves to the proper degree. Learning to affect your mind so that every single death weighing on your mind doesn’t turn you into a screaming lunatic or a depressed shell… That takes a lot.
But you don’t see that.
People don’t joke, let it all affect them and commit suicide or end up on the streets? “Oh, those poor noble dears… Why isn’t society and the military and the government doing more for them.”
Fuck all of you, you hypocritical little shits.
Especially you Dex.
It’s almost cute when you try to be all angry, preaching from your soapbox. When you really don’t have a clue as to how the organization works.
Collateral Damage is most certainly not something treated lightly.
If you cling tight to it being posted by either administration? Great, I’m glad you like the media.
I’m a Strike Analyst.
Our motto? “Warheads On Foreheads”
My job is to place aimpoints on targets and tell a pilot to go blow that shit up.
Collateral Damage is something that can make or break your military career, and is not treated lightly, by any means.
But that’s just it. I know this. I live this.
You? You see some shit on tv or the internet, and you’re the expert, ergo you think your knowledge on the subject trumps my own.
Whatever. I’m glad you have that viewpoint, even if it’s wrong. I rest securely in knowing what I do for my job.
And yes Emoore, maturity abounds in the military… Just like any other job. So does immaturity.
But you won’t understand that, simply because you don’t care for the military.
It’s alright, I know a lot of you don’t.
But that’s nothing new to me.
Re: Bradley Manning: Not Guilty
Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:38 am
by dexeron