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Fiscal conservatives & libertarian economics!

Re: Fiscal conservatives & libertarian economics!

Postby HisDivineShadow » Sun May 05, 2013 10:16 am

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Re: Fiscal conservatives & libertarian economics!

Postby Phantomgrift » Sun May 05, 2013 11:28 am

And yet, to contrast, it's amazing how many people earn less than that and still raise children by exploiting the utter hell out of wellfare and food stamps. Cause obviously more government overhaul is what we need to fix stuff.

Seems like we're damned if we do, damned if we don't.
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Re: Fiscal conservatives & libertarian economics!

Postby Despanan » Sun May 05, 2013 2:42 pm

You don't know how right you are.

As I've said before, You can't have a modern capitalist economy in a liberal democracy like the United States without some form of a Welfare State.

So unless you're cool with an anti-capitalist revolution (yes please) and a skyrocketing crime rate (not so much) OR a more equitable distribution of power and resources (ie: dictatorship of the proletariat) I'd suggest you get comfortable with the idea of foodstamps and welfare supplementing for those making starvation wages - because nor will it ever give wages that are high enough to prevent the scenario I outlined above.
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Re: Fiscal conservatives & libertarian economics!

Postby Phantomgrift » Sun May 05, 2013 3:12 pm

And thanks to human nature, nothing else that you would propose to replace Capitalism would work out any better or any differently in the long-run with the ever popular chance of being conclusively worse.

From a sociological and anthropological viewpoint, the only way humanity works well is in small groups of semi-isolated conclaves. Of course, that leads to fights for whatever reason between the smaller groups until someone decides to band a few of the groups together to fight more effectively, leading to a realization that they now need a stronger governing aspect to oversee this new larger group, and the whole mess starts all over again.

So in all honesty Desp, your ideas are fucking retarded. In the end, someone would still hold more power over someone else, someone wouldn't be happy or pleased with the status quo, and someone would learn to exploit any and all existing flaws and loopholes within the system.

Your revolution will never happen.
Fuck, if history is any proof, the fall of the Roman Empire is a scenario that's more likely to take place, leading to a general re-set/reboot of the entire system on a large-scale whole. When and where that takes place remains to be seen. But yeah, you keep clinging to your dreams of glorious revolution... Some kids can never give up their security blanket no matter how old they get.
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Re: Fiscal conservatives & libertarian economics!

Postby Despanan » Sun May 05, 2013 4:12 pm

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Re: Fiscal conservatives & libertarian economics!

Postby Phantomgrift » Sun May 05, 2013 4:38 pm

No, we haven't "been over this". YOU... You yourself have claimed that I have a "pop-culture understanding of history". But it's a commonly known fact that you think I'm nuts and/or dismiss me, so I really don't ever hold much to anything you throw my way.

And you failed to grasp the overall aspect of what I wrote. I never claimed that revolutions don't happen. You are absolutely correct, they happen all the time....... And more oft than not, than are completely crushed, or fizzle out, or generally fade away. Only a handful ever really gain enough steam to go anywhere. And even that's no set aspect either. One hand gives you a revolution the likes of America, another gives you something like the former Soviet Union, and another could lead to something like a bunch of poor folk sucking wind in Cuba.

I don't think the question is "When will it take place" inasmuch as "How short of a run will it have before no one gives two flying fucks."

The key factor to any revolution is having a majority backing. Right now, the only ones who think we should have this big anti-capitalist revolution are a handful of deluded idealists like yourself. Alas, out of the entire population of the United States, I dare say you guys are quite the miniscule minority. Hell, the military alone get's more attention and we're composed of less than one percent of the American Population.

Your revolution might happen. But it wont be in my lifetime, and as much as you wish on stars and hopes and good feelings, it won't be in your lifetime either. Mayhaps when you and I are passed on, and any children you get ahold of have grown up with the notion that capitalism sucks.... Well then maybe, sometime in the future, their future, it might take place. But at that point, we'll both be dead and it really won't affect us much.

See, therein is the insidious thing that Rip and other Satanists have the right idea about.
You and OWS want change to come from the top down. If you really want change, start indoctrinating the children now, work from the bottom up.
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Re: Fiscal conservatives & libertarian economics!

Postby Despanan » Mon May 06, 2013 11:34 am

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Re: Fiscal conservatives & libertarian economics!

Postby Agent » Mon May 06, 2013 11:55 am

in star trek they had a nuclear war before everyone started being nice to each other
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Re: Fiscal conservatives & libertarian economics!

Postby Phantomgrift » Mon May 06, 2013 12:16 pm

Waiter... Waiter?

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Re: Fiscal conservatives & libertarian economics!

Postby Despanan » Mon May 06, 2013 12:47 pm

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