by dexeron » Tue Oct 30, 2018 11:13 pm
Being serious for a moment, I'm actually sickened by everything going on, and I think we're a lot farther down the path towards some really dangerous stuff than a lot of people would like to admit. I think this coming Tuesday's election is a lot more important than a lot of people realize, not because it will specifically fix anything, but because it's a signal to certain people. A lot of what we're seeing is trial balloons, and the response at the polls either tells those people "Wow, the American people really are that apathetic; we can ramp this up way more and still get away with it" or "Wow, the American people are pissed off enough that this represents a threat to our short-term power, so we need to rein it in a bit."
It represents either the beginning of a lot of hard work to undo some really bad destruction to institutions that's been allowed to go on for decades, or it's the beginning of the end of those institutions entirely. And I don't think that I'm really being hyperbolic about this. I think we're at a tipping point where things can go extremely badly wrong for a lot of vulnerable people for a very long time.