I'm nearly 37 years old!
Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:09 pm
by shadowmimiiru
So what the fuck is wrong with me when the highlight of my day is getting a reprint of a 1991 Dungeons and Dragons book in the mail alongside 25th Anniversary Destro and Lady Jaye?!
Oh and the district wants to bump my daughter up a grade ... poor kid, having a dumbass fangirl as a mother.
Re: I'm nearly 37 years old!
Fri Mar 09, 2018 6:54 pm
by Rip
I always assumed you were much older than me. You act bitter enough :/
Also, my graphic novel collection rivals the GDP of smaller European nations; you and I are very much normal in this respect. The new counterculture all look like Frat boys, and instead of shocking people with words like "fucktard", they instead try to reclaim the n-word because they've realized that our generation is too jaded to care about anything less than assaults on our very ability to work together despite our differences.
One day, our daughters will tell us that Lord of the Rings is boring old shit, and that we're cuckfags for ever liking Star Wars. And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon, little boy blue and etc etc. Thankfully, we can look toward our grandchildren to hopefully use VR to, ironically, experience life in a small trailer in the middle of nowhere without wi-fi, and think about how cool it is to see a rare issue of Iron Man out at a digitally rendered store somewhere. They will then unhook, walk past their deadbeat parents still spouting "globalist semite faggots" in a super-fentanyl haze because they were never able to get a non-gig-based job, and they will walk into our rooms, and ask, "Dear Opa, tell me again about the time when no one knew what a Thranduil was?" It'll be good times, until the ridiculously-neglected centuries-old power grid fails and all our bridges rot. Then, and only then, will my true talent for shadow puppets be properly appreciated.
Sorry, that was a ramble. I haven't slept in a month. Congrats on your girl's rapid progress? My daughters are still stuck in the "wrestling two live snakes sent by jealous Hera" phase. They just keep killing and killing and killing.
Re: I'm nearly 37 years old!
Sun Mar 11, 2018 11:03 pm
by Sage
Rip do you like write shit. Is there a repository of concentrated Rip-shit that I can dip a bucket into and slurp at my leisure?
Re: I'm nearly 37 years old!
Tue Mar 13, 2018 5:16 pm
by Agent
my sister is 37 and she relaly likes ready player one and that makes me sad