Re: Wtf, sam.

Fri Jun 24, 2016 10:57 pm
by Agent
The UK does not deserve sovereignty. Please split into your constituent nations. Cornish independence now.
Re: Wtf, sam.

Sat Jun 25, 2016 8:23 am
by Samurai
I think this New Yorker piece encapsulates the result nicely: . Essentially, we have joined Americans in a post-truth democracy where politicians in major campaigns can continually repeat blatant lies without any consequences beyond people believing them.
I am devastated that so many of my compatriots have not only decided everything wrong with the country is the fault of immigrants, but that expert opinion and evidence doesn't matter any more. Perhaps even more significantly in the longer term, I am horrified the decision has enabled fascists across Europe to peddle such lies more freely. Not sure if it made the news in the US, but Austria recently came within a couple of percentage points of electing a fascist president. I see absoutely nothing ominous about that at all. :(
Agent, the particularly ironic thing about separating Britain into regions (which has a fair chance of actually happening with Scotland and Northern Ireland both voting strongly to stay in the EU) is that the Cornish, one of the most heavily slanted towards Leave when votes were counted, now wants reassurances their regional funding will not be affected by leaving the EU. Remain campaigners warned them quite specifically that wouldn't happen if Leave won, because the economic consequences would mean less taxation revenue for public services.
In the meantime, the Leave camp has started retracting its lies as soon as the results were in, calling one of the biggest and most visible "a mistake". Which is also , which they had made only as a protest -- apparently not understanding that in a referendum the popular vote determines the result. Adding insult to injury for the 48% of us who saw what a terrible choice leaving would be, now "What is the EU" is one of the most popular searches from the UK.
Re: Wtf, sam.

Sat Jun 25, 2016 3:18 pm
by Despanan
Well, I'm going to enjoy feeling superior for now, because .