by Samurai » Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:27 am
I had a discussion with my mother-in-law yesterday about the nature of decision-making and how we never set out to make a wrong choice. The hypothesis was that, as we lack the power of hindsight, every decision we make is the best choice given the information we have available at the time and our current state of mind.
At the time, staying in touch probably didn't seem like the right thing to do as far as you were concerned -- or at least a lower priority than other things you had going on. We can look back on decisions we've made with regret -- I do it all the time, hence the discussion -- but if the above is correct, it's not worth beating yourself up about. If actions to change the situation are still available, that's an option, but not a necessity. They, or you, or both, may have changed, or you might still get on as well as you always did.
"The sign of a matured samurai is calmness, not skill. A samurai should therefore be neither pompous nor arrogant." ~Tsukahara Bokuden