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PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:50 am
by Rip
sounds like "cock-us".

I'll bet you're all Sanders Supporters, aren't you. I was a Biden Boy, because he's Irish-American and I'm secretly racist, but my horse won't race so I'm out. ClanBOB Caucus needs to choose who we're going to support this year because there aren't enough of us to have more than one opinion, and a good chunk of our electoral body is Canadian/Other anyway. We'll say it's the femur.

Also we had a Religion thread so we need a Politics one now GO


PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:48 am
by dexeron
Basically I'm voting for whoever the Democrats put up, because fuck the GOP.

EDIT: more seriously, though, we all know it's going to either be Bernie Sanders or Hilary Clinton, and most likely Clinton. I really do like Bernie Sanders, and I will enthusiastically vote for him if he is nominated. I have issues with Clinton on several policies, but I will not play into this "both sides are bad, so both sides are equally bad" nonsense, because it's just not true. Clinton is terrible on some issues (but none of the GOP are any better) but is absolutely miles better than any GOP candidate on many other issues. So hell yes I will happily vote for her if (when) she gets the nod.

Hell, even if you don't like the candidates, realize that you're ultimately voting for Federal appointments, especially the Supreme Court. You don't like the decision in "Citizens United?" Stop voting GOP (or, by abstaining, not voting against them.)


PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:35 pm
by Agent
jill stein


PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:06 am
by Sage
Deez Nuts 2k15


PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 10:33 am
by Rip
But can Deez really hold his own in a general election against Trump?

And the Green Party is a Republican Tool, Agent. WAKE UP SHEEPLE


PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 6:00 pm
by Samurai
Few people can hold a candle to Trump, it seems, when it comes to making buffoonery a populist stance. He's probably taking lessons from Boris Johnson, who's looking moderately likely to be the next British Prime Minister at the moment. :/


PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:44 am
by dexeron
Jill Stein is pretty awesome, and I'd love to see her get more exposure.

I know this makes me part of the "problem," I guess, but I just can't vote third party. I know that "nothing will ever change unless enough people decide to change it" but at the same time, unless we do something to change our "first past the post" system, there will never be enough people willing to jump ship and vote third party. They can't win because the system is simply rigged against them. So for now, we're stuck with the two-parties we have, and any changes will only happen organically, over time, and not as the result of some groundswell of support for someone trying to work from outside.

It's sad, because I probably agree with Stein on more stuff than I do with Sanders, but Stein doesn't stand a whelk's chance in a supernova, and since I live in a swing state, any vote I make for Stein is one less vote going to a Democrat, meaning it's a de facto vote for a Republican. I can't, in good conscience, do that.

Doesn't mean I think anyone else is wrong to vote third party. It's just why I can't bring myself to do it.

(You can bet your ass I do sometimes vote third party in local elections though. The way to get third parties to hold national prominence is to start at the local level, and actually work to make that aforementioned organic change begin.)


PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:28 am
by Despanan
Sanders if Sanders gets the nomination, if not, Jill Stein.

And dex, have you considered something? If you live in a State that isn't a swing state the ONLY way for your vote to count is to vote for a third party.

Like I live in NYS, no matter what I do, this state will be blue. There is no chance of any other outcome.

So, there's no reason for me to vote democrat. Why waste my vote when instead I can vote to change the two-party system, and hopefully get some federal money released for the green party in the future?


PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:13 pm
by dexeron
Yup, that's why I specified it like that. If I didn't live in a swing state, I'd vote nothing but third party.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:46 pm
by Agent
Vote for yourself.