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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 6:56 pm
by Samurai
I'm curious, is anyone in the States aware of the debacle that Fox News hosted yesterday? There was a genius moment when a so-called terrorism expert was asked about the ramifications of the Paris incidents on the rest of Europe and, amongst other absurdities, claimed that the UK's second largest city had a 100 per cent Muslim population and was a no-go area for anyone else. (It's actually about 22 per cent, and we're building a high-speed rail link there at the moment, so there better not be barriers to the rest of us getting in.)

He then said that "Muslim clothing police" beat people in parts of London if they're seen in the streets not wearing Muslim apparel, whatever that is. I'm pretty sure I'd have heard about that, given that I work there. In any event, Britain reacted in the way Britain often does to this sort of thing, by taking the piss through the #foxnewsfacts hashtag on Twitter. There are some real gems on there, although one would have to be either British or something of an Anglophile to appreciate some of the references.

But the reason I'm actually posting this is to note that, while Fox has a generally rather dubious record for factual accuracy (Obama banning doughnuts, anyone?), I find it a bit worrying that this guy's credentials as an "expert" have allowed him to address Congressional committees, even though he clearly gets some of his information from tinfoil-hat conspiracy websites. I can't imagine where else the info came from, given his claim he'd accepted it as truth from his sources.

Re: #foxnewsfacts

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:46 pm
by cain
As fox's expert on experts, I can assure you that you have nothing to worry about. unless you're a muslim or an atheist, then you'll burn in the fires of hell. hopefully tomorrow

Re: #foxnewsfacts

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:46 pm
by Zengus
You forgot women and "the gays," Cain. They also must burn in our loving God's firey, eternal torture pit.

Sam, I figure that all the "experts" Fox News has on their shows basically just sit in a back room somewhere before they go on, and have a Bill Brasky-esque one-upping session on the subject of what they will say tonight. My money is on this guy knowing he was spouting total bullshit, and just figuring that no one would call him on it.

Re: #foxnewsfacts

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 9:41 pm
by cain
Everyone knows all gays are atheists, Zugunga. Women are fine as long as they're barefoot, pregnant, and silent.

Re: #foxnewsfacts

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:08 pm
by Samurai
Oh, hey, apparently he painted the predominantly Muslim Pakistan as the sole aggressor in the Indian subcontinent arms race, and risked causing nuclear war as a result. That's... nice? ... 73526.html

Re: #foxnewsfacts

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:33 pm
by Despanan
I can't even

Re: #foxnewsfacts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:10 pm
by Sage
One of the worst jobs I've had so far in the military was to stand guard to make sure people wore radiation dosimetry equipment while up in new york.
It was boring, stupid, largely redundant (one violation over the course of three goddamn months) and cold all the time since I was outside but honestly the worst part was the fact that there was a tv showing fox news in view of where I was sitting.

I couldn't turn it off. I couldn't turn the volume down. I couldn't change the channel. So I had to watch fox news for 12 hours a day, 5+ days a week. I cannot stand it and I find it difficult to believe that even if its your only news station that other people can do so readily. I hate it. Fuck fox news.

Re: #foxnewsfacts

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:23 pm
by dexeron