Should have posted this a week ago, I guess.
Wayne Rosser, an old BOB who was friends with the Leaderbobs from back in their high-school days, and an old and good friend of mine, passed away on April 6th. (I dunno what his username was on any of the various BOB forums, or how active he was on them, but he went by Krazyirish most places, and I think I remember him popping up using that name at least occasionally.) Not sure if any of the 5 or 6 people left here are folks who knew him or not, but I am sharing in case any folks did know him and might not be connected to the folks who were sharing it last week over in Twitter/Facebook land etc. The funeral was on the 11th, and there were a few BOBs there who I hadn't seen for years and who aren't on the forums currently, like Psychomaize (sp?) and Dragonmun.
Side question: is there a masterlist anywhere of BOBs? (The current forums don't have everyone, just current-type folks.)