by Phantomgrift » Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:54 pm
No there's not. It's the internet. If you want to see what's wrong with the world, go hang out at the SomethingAwful forums or the Chan boards.
And see, this is why your dumb Desp.
You are so convinced that the NSA is evil, that you can't actually bother to see what they do or what their job is. See, I know, we're required to learn about them, work with their counterparts, etc.
The Domestic Security Alliance Council? The organizations listed and named that make it up? All entities devoted to fighting Domestic crime within the United States. Yes, it would be unreasonable to assume that the NSA had any involvement in that. That would be like saying the CIA was in there as well. Or shoot, throw in the DIA, ONI, or the ATF.
NSA is like the CIA. They focus on threats outside our borders that cross into our borders. International terrorism is their bit. Hence why their data-mining was to look for... Gasp, ties with international terrorists.
It's like police jurisdiction. No FBI agent is going to go overseas demanding collar on a case he's working, nor is the CIA going to go hound some local home-grown militia group. Once they start buying weapons from the Syrians? Great, the case has officially moved outside the borders of the U.S. and the CIA can get involved.
Heh. No Desp, I do much more than "watch the news".
However, because I'm not Private Snowball, err, Manning, or Snowden, I actually know how to keep what I do for a living secret. Imagine that.
And again, not telling me anything new with COINTELPRO. It's a tactic, not a collective unit.
The same tactic it describes is called a dozen different things by various organizations.
It's okay... I understand now Desp.
You don't know the history of Intelligence Collection in the United States, and you have no desire to learn outside of whatever radical news source you visit to make yourself feel all warm and fuzzy about your own opinions. Conspiracy theorists do the same thing.
Waiter... Waiter?
Curses! When will I ever remember; Order dessert first and THEN kill everyone in the restaurant.