by Rip » Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:10 am
The Russians defeated the Nazis by being right bastards, destroying their own countryside, and leaning heavily on Baba Yaga's Deathly Winter spell. This is irrelevant to the conversation about them spying on their own people, but hey, they also spied on their own people. Let's just discard that entire topic now shall we.
What Edward Snowden threatens to do is expose a vast number of America's defense secrets. Secrets that actually defend Americans. I'm an American. Sure, we're friends with England right now. Sure, we're friends with a lot of countries, right now. But then this chap comes along and says "here's how America does EVERYthing they do." Who wouldn't take this opportunity? Someone stupid, that's who. I don't care about America's stupid enemies. I care about when Catherine's bratspawn ascends the throne with a red hot stick up his arse to take back the colonies and prove the throne still has a pair of balls underneath it and he says oh whoopsiedoodle I know how your entire system works foo'. Okay, maybe that doesn't happen. Maybe some other fucker just sells it to some hardluck fucker for coke money, and that hardluck fucker sells it to some white-bread country fuck who hates Obama and Socialist 'Murica, so HE sells it to some Mexican drug cartel guy who he gets his green from and that guy sells it to a guy he knows in Bolivia who sells it to his friend Jamal only Jamal is actually Horace Greenwood, CIA Motherfucker, get the fuck down, but the Bolivian already knew that and has set a trap for Agent Greenwood, and BAM, Edward Snowden just committed fucking murder.
On the other hand, Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965) guarantees a right to privacy. While Snowden's murderings is collateral damage, his main intent seems to be (and seems to have always been) to expose how private we are NOT allowed to be. The issue here is that now, one man and one man alone has all the power, and may not know exactly how much damage he can do to parts of life/the planet that didn't affect or concern him (until [hopefully] now). Is that groovy?
So, would Cap hunt the guy down, have a heart to heart about what this country used to stand for, and then run off to become Nomad again? Or punch his ass out and say that your one-man crusade isn't worth the lives of 320 million free-breathing American patriots? Or shrug, and just be glad Ultron is showing up for the Avengers sequel and the money is going to explode in his fucking face with flowers somehow composed of even MORE money, and he'll orgasm because he's the modern incarnation of capitalism..? So many possibilities