Now now, I'm not decrying the character; he's quite spiffy, in many ways, and I'm honestly glad you chose him over, say, trying to justify The Silver Surfer. However, MHR has become slightly notorious for its 'one-shots'; if you get the right roll, it's possible to defeat an opponent in the very first round of combat if the two are even slightly evenly matched, and while I can justify villains ignoring Cypher for the first couple fights (rounds?), as soon as he actually becomes annoying to a character who can punch a hole through buildings, I'm just worried he'll become a smear pretty quickly.
But like I said, if you're totally cool with this, I see no in-game reason why Cypher couldn't be here and in fact agree with you that he would add a lot of unique abilities. I don't want to scale the story down TOO much though, so maybe just have a backup character in mind in case you die..?
At any rate, I'll start seeing about building him a Character Sheet. I may have to kinda make it an "All-Star Cypher" sheet and include stuffs from different parts of his timeline or something.