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Re: Insurrection

Postby Samurai » Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:36 pm

I read about that elsewhere. I think it's also noteworthy that one of the three (the last one, I think?) refused to engage with the ACA on principle, so refused to check policies and ended up with an expensive one by default. That's their choice, but they don't have much room to complain about the extra cost it's caused them, IMHO.

Fact checking is good, and while all news organisations could do with indulging a bit more often, it does seem, looking in from the outside, that Fox seem to avoid it most actively.
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Re: Insurrection

Postby HisDivineShadow » Wed Oct 23, 2013 4:31 pm

Considering the fact that Fox is basically a propaganda machine for the Right, they really don't seem to care about facts at all. In fact, in several instances they've been caught reporting parody sites as news articles (the most recent one was about Obama having a Muslim museum being built or something). It's happened so often that at this point I suspect it's less about stupidity and more about intentionally spreading misinformation knowing that the bulk of their viewers won't double-check.

There is also some evidence that to troll blogs and competing news sites.
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Re: Insurrection

Postby Phantomgrift » Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:56 am

HDS, I don't claim that all liberals are dewy-eyed anything.
Only you.

And possibly desp, but I don't really see him as the "dewy-eyed" type.

This is the fun part for me though. You and Dexxie there like to get all serious, under some mistaken notion that I'm trying to have an actual debate with anyone here. (Which occasionally happens, but is rare and few and far between.)

The fact that I've reduced Dex to actively dismiss me both as an online persona and a human being to nothing more than "You're wrong/You're an idiot." when he has precious little notion of how I am outside of what little I showcase... Is simply delicious. And of course, when pointing this out drives him to rabbit on at great lengths about all the "facts" that he's presented to me, and how they interweave into his personal justification of why he's degraded me to such an extent- Oh, that's just the icing on the cake.

I mean, if he can be as such with someone he doesn't even know online, how much greater is that mentality going to carry over into and/or possibly reflect on how he is in real space?

Far to many of you take the internet entirely to seriously, and get rather butthurt or indigent when others don't place the web in the same context you do.

And HDS, unless things have changed recently, then yes... You used to practically drool over how great at everything Obama was. Did something happen to cast shadows and doubts upon your hero-worship?

Remember Dex, you can direct statements to me. It's not going to hurt my feelings.
Posting publicly to HDS as a sad method of talking around me while still putting your claptrap out in the open? Tis the height of behavior that most of us left behind in grade school... Or were supposed to anyways. And remember, if my rare posts on Facebook arouse your ire so much, you can always "unfriend" me. I know I personally have no issues with you.
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ITT -- exactly why clanBOB died.

Postby synkr0nized » Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:22 am

Oh, good, resort to the puppetmaster routine.

It doesn't change the fact that -- either intentionally or accidentally by way of your true nature -- you argue horribly and make it easy to assume you're an opinionated idiot.

You continue to get responses, though -- and I am aware this post counts --, so I guess you win?

edit: I think why this bugs me so much is that I know you aren't a waste of space. If you recall, there was a time we exchanged emails while you were sailing about somewhere. You were gracious enough to answer my questions about navy life and the like and willing to even toss a few questions of your own out about my likely boring civilian life. But here all it is in threads is "lol I am the master troll giving you the guff! Ha-ha! I will rule the world!"

You do it with Desp, you do it with Dex, you do it with HDS, and it's virtually the only thing you do. Hell, Quetz's only defining character was that the two of you argued in every thread.

I'll grant you that this place is little more than a ghost town, so I suppose in some perverse way at least threads are getting bumped.

What also bugs me, though, is that it's been, what, a decade and a half, if not more for some people, that clanBOB members have had ridiculous amounts of posts to be fully aware that this is how you post and yet responses keep coming. Yeah, yeah, this one included.

At least people seem to ignore Agent's trolling anymore.
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Re: Insurrection

Postby dexeron » Thu Oct 24, 2013 8:37 am

I also run the 2nd best ClanBOB Discord at: https://discord.gg/Ks5cz6r
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Re: Insurrection

Postby Phantomgrift » Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:35 am

Synk, you've established a great portion of it.
It's not a matter of "puppet-master" inasmuch as it is simply me seeing who I can get to respond.
This place is, well, dead for all intents and purposes.
Only the same handful of people attempt to hold "discussions" and most of that revolves around how quickly they can agree with each other about how a particular subject sucks.
I've got to much rose-colored nostalgia to really want to simply quit Clanbob, but neither do I have the inclination or desire to devote time to lengthy, heady arguments of fact and reason that would ultimately be wasted anyways. Most of the people who still post here are fairly established in their beliefs and opinions.

Of course, on some minor twisted aspect, I guess it does provide me some small manner of jollies that I can induce someone to an angry rebuttal for some half-assed nothing I toss out.

Granted, on Facebook, not everything I put forth to Dex was "bullshit". But Dex is well established in his opinions, and like most folks online or in person, doesn't like to have those opinions challenged. All the better if something comes up that can be latched onto and waved as "factual statistic" because it falls in line with his existing opinions. HDS and Desp do it all the time, and that's where I gain the most amusement from.

Of course, the other reason for "trolling", if you must, is it's simply faster to type out than anything resembling worth-while thought-out response. What with a job and family and so forth, the last couple of years really don't leave me much time to even get online for more than ten or twenty minutes at a stretch.

Thank you Synk. I appreciate the fact that you really don't feel I'm a complete and utter asshole in real life. That, ironically enough, gives me moment for pause and makes me wonder if I should try to post more rational replies. Desperate and DexonValdez however? Heh, there apparently convinced that information absorbed through the computer screen has revealed to them that I am an absolute monster, both online and off.
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Re: Insurrection

Postby dexeron » Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:26 pm

I also run the 2nd best ClanBOB Discord at: https://discord.gg/Ks5cz6r
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Back to not posting here, I guess.

Postby synkr0nized » Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:12 pm

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Re: Insurrection

Postby Phantomgrift » Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:47 pm

Dex, I never said I was upset for anyone "banning" or "unfriending" me. Which, to my knowledge, isn't something anyone's done recently. And if you unfriended me on Facebook, that may be an indicator of how little I actually noticed.

You lost me at the rest of your post because it broke down into a basic internet justification/rant that appears fairly cliched. Synk, interestingly enough, has read and understand to a point where he can make valid judgement calls. You Desp? You're simply ranting in a manner befitting 4Chan. It says nothing, offers nothing of significance, and is filled with your self-justification of why I'm such an awful person. More or less what you've been accusing me of.

(And, um, I hate to break it to you there man... But, I can't be in your, uh, personal space. Aah, yeah, ya see, the internets doesn't work like real life.... So... What I'm trying to say dude, is... Well. Your a moron. Yeah. There, glad we got that out in the open.)

It's okay. I understand that not everyone can be as amazing as I am. For this I'm truly sorry, and I hope life treats you better eventually.
Last edited by Phantomgrift on Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Insurrection

Postby dexeron » Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:49 pm

I also run the 2nd best ClanBOB Discord at: https://discord.gg/Ks5cz6r
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