This article might interest you guys: ... obamacare/Basically Hannity had three couples on his show who claimed they had bad experiences with Obamacare. The couples were as follows:
1 - Owned a small business and on Hannity said they had to cut employee hours.
2 - Said on Hannity a 13,000$/year policy that was being terminated and replaced with a new, ACA-compliant policy
3 - Couple covered by Blue Cross said on Hannity that their 10k/year Blue Cross policy would be replaced by something that costs 50-75% more.
So the author of the article calls up each of these guests and re-interviews them to fact-check.
1 - Turns out this couple has 4 employees. They apparently didn't understand that Obamacare does nothing to businesses with less than 50 employees.
2 - Hadn't checked because it wasn't working. When the author plugged in their info, turns out they would qualify for a $7,600 plan.
3 - Also shopped around for this couple. Found a policy that cost $3,700.
He only discussed a little bit of comparisons between policies, but overall it seems like the ones who are most vociferous against the ACA also know the least about it.