by Xaenyth » Sat May 18, 2013 7:32 am
I swear this move to New Jersey was probably the best thing to ever happen in my life. I just wish I had realized that a few months earlier so I wouldn't have gotten into as much debt as I did.
I quit my job in Florida in June 2012, two weeks before a convention I was planning to attend in Secaucus, NJ. I was going to visit the office I now work for during that trip, but I didn't go because the job market sucks and I was afraid I wouldn't get a job right away in Florida. I was right, and by September I was jobless and running dangerously low on reserves. September is when I got the job offer. October is when I moved. But I found out that if I had gone to that convention, I would've had the job offer then and there.
But life has a funny way of working out. I wasn't ready to give up on Florida in June. It wasn't until I had given up all hope and made the decision that moving away from everyone I've ever known might be a good idea. That's when the job opportunity presented itself and I gratefully accepted. So I found a rather nice place to live in New Jersey, close enough to New York City to work there without being trapped by how expensive that city is. Close enough to visit an old friend of mine in central Jersey. And now, close enough to central Jersey to visit my new-found girlfriend.
Yes, after years of being single and after having given up all hope of finding a special someone, I started flirting with a girl on Facebook who, it turns out, is the most perfect woman to have ever existed for me. My friends kept telling me my standards were too high, that the kind of person I was looking for was only one in a billion. Well, I found that one in a billion, and she's a Jersey girl. So now I'm having a very difficult time finding any reason to move back to Florida. I dare say I love this girl like no one I've dared to say I loved before. I see us going to the end of time together, and that's not something I've ever felt before. I'd normally say this was desperation, but it's hard to be desperate when you gave up all hope years ago.
I guess this is a long winded way of saying that the very best things in life can happen to you in the very most unlikely ways. That the one place you never wanted to live as a child just happens to be the exact place you need to be. And I have to thank you guys for being there over the years, keeping me mostly sane and giving me many things to mull over and better myself. Life is suddenly looking far more bright.