by Rip » Thu Mar 19, 2015 11:43 am
((Deadpool fires with a Total 16, Effect d10 Physical Damage at Tombstone!
Tombstone's Reaction to Gunshot Action - Solo - d10, Brutal Enforcer - d8, Superhuman Durability - d10, Combat Master - d10
d10 - 2, d8 - 7, d10 - 3, d10 - 5
Total 11, Effect d10; Deadpool beats Tombstone's total by 5, which steps his d10 Physical Stress up to d12, which would put Tombstone one away from being Stressed Out...! ...if it wasn't Tombstone, or if I were out of Doom Pool dice, I mean.
I spend 1d6 from the Doom Pool (it is now at 2d6) to activate Tombstone's Invulnerable SFX - Spend 1d6 from the Doom Pool to ignore
Physical Stress or Physical Trauma unless caused by energy-based attacks.))
Deadpool barely notices as his shot ricochets off of Tombstone's bright white forehead, even though it totally caused his head to flop backwards directly mid-taunt, and looked really funny, guess you had to be there. Anyway. Tombstone gets angrier and redoubles his efforts to wrestle Luke Cage off of him!
Luke, meanwhile, isn't the best at strategy when he's ridiculously pissed off, and honestly, the big guy has a lot of stress to work through. So he starts beating the near-invulnerable Tombstone repeatedly in the fuggin face from his position atop him. Let's see how it goes!
((Luke Cage panches mans x2! - Team - d6, Come Get Some! - d8, Superhuman Strength - d10, Combat Expert - d8
d6 - 6, d8 - 4, d10 - 10, d8 - 6
Total 16, Effect d8
Tombstone is mans panched x2! - Solo - d10, Brutal Enforcer - d8, Superhuman Durability - d10, Combat Master - d10
d10 - 4, d8 - 5, d10 - 9, d10 - 1
Total 14, Effect d10
Luke Cage's Total of 16 beats Tombstone's Total of 14! Since Deadpool forced Tombstone to use a d6 last time, I really don't want to spare one again from the dwindling Doom Pool, so this one'll stick!
All actions taken against Tombstone should now include an extra d8 for his Physical Stress!))
Tombstone is getting angrier and angrier. And now, finally, bloodier and bloodier.
The black sub, meanwhile, has apparently slipped silently out of sight in the initial chaos.
((Hawkeye, I choose you!!))