by Despanan » Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:00 pm
Actually that's apt - though of course it displays a distinct misunderstanding of both anarchism and American Libertarianism.
I'm inclined to let that slide though, as it's clearly a rhetorical point - and there's some general truth to it.
American Libertarians, or "Propertarians" (as I've taken to calling them, because when it comes down to it, when they talk about "Liberty" they really mean "Private Property") have their roots in Liberalism & Austrian School economics. Anarchism arose specifically as a challenge to Liberalism, so they're two completely different schools of thought, but they end up sounding confusingly similar because folks like Murray Rothbard misappropriated anarchist language and rhetoric to SUPPORT his particularly brutal & reactionary version of Liberalism.
But on it's face, yeah, Libertarianism is Anarchy for rich people.