by Despanan » Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:19 pm
Also, you seem to assume theology has no debates and no method, that it's just a bunch of stories people invented out of thin wait based on nothing. I can tell you both as someone who makes up stories for a living and someone who has recently become involved in reading various religious texts and commentaries that this is not the case. Everything comes from somewhere, and no one comes up with a creation story out of nothing. That doesn't mean they are correct, and that doesn't mean this type of reasoning is superior, it simply means that one can still come to the correct answer through early, crude attempts.
And I didn't bring up philogisten and eugenics to prove that "science was wrong" I was pointing out the fact that you were applying exactly the same fallacies to religious thinking.
Why is science allowed to have incorrect assumptions that get disprove and replaced later, but religion not allowed to do exactly the same thing? Why can religion not evolve and change? Must it always be stuck on whatever ideas became popular in the past in order to be relevant?
The very fact that you jumped straight to those fallacies in the way you did proves your aren't listening to me, you're running at least partially on autopilot from other religious discussions you've had.
Also,the story of Death in the Upanisadsdid NOT describe creation as an explosion in the way we would be familiar with it.:)
Humans have survived on this planet in our present form for nearly 200,000 years - we've only had written history for what? 2.5%-5% of our time here, and we've only had the modern scientific method since like, I dunno 1300 AD?
Do you really think in all that time, we had no ability to understand the world around us?