
Re: Insurrection

Postby Phantomgrift » Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:56 pm

I'm in the Navy... Lots of things hoist my mast, but they don't involve sick poop obsessions like yours.
I mean, really, do you have to go to special websites or support groups for that? It doesn't seem like something you can bring into a relationship casually.
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Re: Insurrection

Postby dexeron » Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:05 pm

Funny, since you're the one who is actually pooping all over the place. But hey, whatever schtupps your Yvette.
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Re: Insurrection

Postby Phantomgrift » Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:37 pm

Only in your allegorical mind.
Logically then, it's you mentally picturing me in a state of defecation, indicating that the thought of me and/or others in general, taking large shits, is something that you seem to focus on in an almost unhealthy manner.
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Re: Insurrection

Postby dexeron » Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:47 pm

Whatever flims your flam.
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Re: Insurrection

Postby Phantomgrift » Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:55 pm

Hey, it took me a lot, but if I can go to a psych-type for stress and anger issues, then you can reach out to professionals for your fecal obsession issues before they begin to affect your daily routine.
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Re: Insurrection

Postby dexeron » Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:04 pm

That's nice Phant. Whatever skips your stone. Now hush, the adults are talking.

HAY DESP: a discussion just started over in talk_politics over on LJ regarding the increasing dismay of Human Rights Watch and Amnesty Intl regarding the continued use of drones, a concern that seems to be more and more shared by some withing the governments of those countries where it's taking place; and it seems like the numbers of "collateral damage" are far greater than anyone has been willing to admit.

New post, so few comments and little discussion, but should get busier pretty quickly and might lead to some interesting talk.
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Re: Insurrection

Postby Phantomgrift » Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:14 pm

Go ahead and try that line on your potential children someday.
Or hell, anywhere in real life. I know you think it's cute, or trite or whatever, but it's about as effective as seeing someone make a selfie photo complete with duckface.

Not that many adults here are talking.
Again, back-patting circle jerk about the same stuff you and Desp have covered before.

I'd comment on drones, but you have already determined you know more about it than I do. Which is equally fun for me considering you get your news on them from things like Amnesty International. I don't have to go out of my way to post something at length about drones simply because it would be far to much work for something you would ignore in the end anyways.

However, you will dismiss this or most likely not read it at all. Further indicators of how far this site has fallen, and how much of a hypocritical and completely oblivious moron you actually are.

Oh, wait... I'm sorry... 3, 2, 1... "Standard Dex flippant response to follow"

Heh. And "I'm" the one with issues?
Maybe this is why I continue to come here. It's fun watching how self-absorbed people can get without even being aware of their own ridiculousness.
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Re: Insurrection

Postby dexeron » Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:18 pm

By all means, feel free to tell us what a grave and present threat Mamana Bibi was the the U.S. Or eighteen people who had shown up to render aid to people wounded by a previous strike earlier one day.

And hey, nothing says "precision strike" and "we don't target innocents" like indiscriminately killing scores of people who show up as first responders, or 83 people (45 civilians, 10 of them children) at a fucking funeral. ... _mourners/

But please, Phant. EDUCATE US. Justify that shit.
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Re: Insurrection

Postby Phantomgrift » Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:31 pm

By all means, tell me where the reporting came from. Please, educate me on what specifically makes a report by Amnesty International in no way biased, and completely, honestly factual as to what "collateral damage" is real, and which part is exaggerated fluff put forth by angry individuals that aren't exactly going to want to describe how some of their acquaintances were honestly working with known terrorist groups.

Yes Dex, justify to me that America is nothing more than faceless executioners, happily killing whomever we please, giggling and laughing at our job, because me and others in the military are nothing more than sanctioned killers for hire.

Oh, I'm sorry? The report didn't say that?
It was actually objective and I'm reading to much into it? Or not enough in context? Or I should trust Dex, random civilian citizen who wouldn't know the first thing about drone warfare from flying a 747. Obviously I'm just a pawn of the Man and blind to the horrors perpetuated upon civilized society by tyrannical overlords.

Justify it Dex.

Because all this does it turn something on the internet into metaphorical dick-waving over subjects bolstered by random shit pulled from the internet.
I mean, I'd pull personal job experience into it, but obviously, individual training on various things related to a subject aren't empirical enough when held to the shining example of biased media reporting that you've educated yourself so firmly in.

Educate us all indeed.

(I'm not going to justify jack and shit. I'll simply give you sarcastic answers. And honestly, you vapid git, even if I crafted the most airtight argument justifying every case of drone usage ever carried out, you still wouldn't change your opinion simply because it was something I contributed to. That offends your delicate and self-centered sensibilities entirely to much to allow.)
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Re: Insurrection

Postby Phantomgrift » Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:39 pm

Or wait... Dex.
You and HDS are such touchy-feely, self-righteous individuals that know ever so much more than the rest of us.
What would you have us do.

Obviously terrorist attacks like 9/11 are a state of fact. What peaceful solution are you going to offer with your vast armchair knowledge of the world, and very little knowledge of international politics or Middle Eastern society in general?

Please ENLIGHTEN ME (see, I can use caps to...) as to how Dex, The Wise One would make everything all gummy gummy gumdrops and rainbow sprinkles all around.

It's okay, you as the "adult" can tell me. Obviously, as the "adult", you have so much better knowledge on a subject that you know nothing about, and feel you have to parade it in the ongoing back-patting circle jerk you maintain here.

Aww, is that why you unfriended me from Facebook? Because I was disruptive to your self-centered back-patting?
Tsk. I'm ever so sorry.
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