No Desp, you don't.
Learning about the history of Intel is a required part of our job.
What you do "know" is to continually reference items that happened 30, 40 or 50 years ago and hold it up as a screaming mirror of the future.
Welcome to human history.
Again though, it has been conclusively proven on these boards that it doesn't matter what I say, you will remain convinced that you either know more, or know enough to dismiss me because it doesn't fit with your fatalistic view of Capitalism and the State.
No, Manning and Snowden don't know how to keep a secret.
Manning was an emotional wreck that should have never had access in the first place, and Snowden is a manipulative liar who in all likelihood, planned this from the get-go.
At this point, it's okay.
You and Dex can go join the others at the "Above Top Secret" forums, and rabbit on about how the government is watching you poop, all the time, every time.
You? You I can understand. You fit the long-haired, anti-establishment hippie vibe that caters to this.
Dex? Dex is more amusing with his facebook profile of "Here's my new suit, me in my house, the All-American stuff I have going for me" before segueing into "ERMERGERD! THE GOVERNMENT SUCKS AND SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!"
Face it. We'll never convince each other of anything, and continually be secure in the knowledge that we're right and the other guy's wrong.
To claim otherwise means you're either naive or lying to yourself.