by Phantomgrift » Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:40 pm
Also, Desp, to further address your post now that I’ve a bit of a break:
You give off the indicator that all this information gathering is only for an end goal of “nefarious purposes” designed to “erode democracy and oppress innocents”. However, per diatribes of yours in the past, you are already of the firm belief that democracy is a dying and corrupted system that needs to be done away with entirely, and oppression of innocents is carried out on a nigh-daily basis. So this is either already happening, or you’ve got to retract your earlier statements and speak as though this is the new threat, and democracy isn’t as bad as you previously lead us to believe?
And congrats, the FBI showed up at his door. Are you familiar with the term and/or practice of “SWATTING”? Wherein Anonymous or similar groups like to phone in tips about a potential hostage situation to set a fully-armed SWAT team upon a targeted house or dwelling for no viable reason other than harassment? See, that has about as much to do with my post as your example did with mine.
If your buddy was a potential suspect in protests where something untowards or legally questionable took place, than yes, I can expect the FBI to show up. That’s rather interestingly enough, their job. Nothing in what you describes goes outside or beyond the scope of what they are paid to do. Your personal experience with what would appear to be overzealous police force? That’s different. That is outside the scope of what a member of law enforcement is paid to do. Granted, by your own mockery against me in the past, your single personal example is not empirical evidence of society as a whole, and therefore doesn’t count in the grand scheme of things.
I know you don’t give a “crap” as you so like to point out. I reference the basic ideology behind the “Monkeysphere”. In your mind, because certain situations don’t happen to you personally, or to anything within the scope of your interests, you dismiss it with a basic handwave in that it doesn’t apply to you. You’re right, you are more likely to get into an accident in your own home. However, at the same time, some of the plots thwarted were attacks that if carried out, would have resulted in a death toll to rival that of the WTC attacks. Do you still not give a crap? Is a plot to destroy an airport via explosives and a major gas main something that is outside your scope of caring simply because it’s a hypothetical? What if it had been a plot enacted against a target in New York? Your stage building perhaps? Little closer to home? Nah, still doesn’t matter because it’s a what-if and a maybe. …. Which is, incidentally enough, a lot of what you postulate in your continued opinion that society is doomed and can only be changed if we enact upon the ideology that you have deemed necessary.
I can state that Intelligence agencies exist for a reason. History has proven over and over again as to why they are not “wrong”, nor do they need to stop. Actions carried out in the name of intelligence can indeed be dangerous. But actions carried out in the name of anything can be dangerous. That’s why it remains critical that oversight is maintained and standards are set by solid men who hold to those truths. Therein is the greatest difficulty of human nature of our day and age. Determining where that fine line is and who can step so far without crossing a barrier… or even where that barrier is to begin with.
Dex, all I can ask you is to contrast the differences I pointed out and hit upon in my original post.
Why is it so hang-fire brimstone and damnation when you or others of your mindset learn that the government is data-mining… But when private companies and corporations do it, it barely registers a flicker of “meh” on your moral compass?
As far back as a NOVA special on PBS I was watching in the early nineties was information pointed out about how much data a company could track on you simply by credit card.
Again, why the cherry-picking?
What determines which one is good and which one is okay?
Contrary to your attempts to paint me as some starry-eyed schoolgirl, I’m deftly aware of what the government engages in.
As a matter of fact, thanks to that unique perspective of working within the governmental structure, I think I’m more than aware of all that encompasses this job. Not just what I choose to see through rose-colored, Hoover-tinted lenses.
Desp is convinced that capitalism is wrong and must be replaced. He tries to cite autonomous conclaves of a sorts, but mistakenly drives this with a base notion that everyone will fall into this mindset with ease, once they simply see how well it works. He doesn’t consider, or at least I’ve never seen him consider, what would be done with those who do not wish this same viewpoint.
And you? You’re apparently convinced the government in inherently evil and non-trustworthy, but you offer little to no suggestion on what replaces it, nor do you bother to address what happens when companies and private organizations carry out similar methods.
This is why I believe both of you drag down whatever good ideas you may have, by seemingly ignoring any issues with your viewpoints, be it willfully or naively ignorant bliss. When I address middle of the road aspects, apparently in your eyes that makes me misguided, blind or cynical.
You two will never cease to amuse me.
Waiter... Waiter?
Curses! When will I ever remember; Order dessert first and THEN kill everyone in the restaurant.